Saturday, August 31, 2019
Technology and Culture
There is no denying to the fact that changes occur in life as the world develops in its technology. Traditions and customs, culture of each and every race in Malaysia get a setback in this case. An attempt to keep them alive is a controversial matter and become debatable as we are somehow ‘modernized’ by the West. It is somehow painful and sad to see traditions and customs dying as we all humans have intense emotional bond with cultures and traditions but the stark reality have to be accepted that the world is a stage of flux and change.There are several reasons to why our traditions and customs are abandoned. Firstly, the advancement in telecommunication has influenced our minds to choose between cultures to which one that are convenient. We tend to look for and turn to the way as well as the one that is more convenient and are accessible. It is human nature for youths especially to adapt to changes faster. For instance, the existence of the social network called Facebo ok that enables us to connect with people from all walks of life by just typing a person’s name without actually knowing the person well.On festive seasons, we, young people need not going around visiting relatives and friends as well as going back to our respective hometowns anymore, we just wish them and greet them through the social network and phone them. Somehow, the tradition of visiting relatives and friends during festive seasons soon will be a history of life. Furthermore, the technology has moved people’s interest to play traditional games to modern and virtual games. Many youths nowadays are often categorize as the visual people.They often spend their time going to cybercafà © or at home playing computer games to the wee hours. If you ask them about traditional games they would just stare blankly at you because they as well as children nowadays only know how to swipe on the gadgets that theirs parents have. Probably, they are somehow called ‘heliophob ia’ which means a person who is fear of sunlight as most of our traditional games are played outdoors. Traditional games have now been ruled over by virtual games and have now been an ‘old-fashioned’ in youngsters mind.Moreover, the technology has equipped us with more knowledge and we become more open-minded and more rational in thinking. If we would like to know more about more information on a certain thing or events, we could just click on the mouse and search information from the internet as search engines provides us with much information. Referring to books and newspaper have been sort of ‘out-dated’ thing. On the other hand, we can now learn cultural dance through the advance video technology, YouTube.We no longer take the first step to actually ask our mentor or the cultural dance performer or instructor to train us to dance correctly. Even now, the cultural dance is called cultural cum modern dance in the video website. The younger generati on eventually become more open-minded as they think what they are doing is ‘cool’ and fashion has overpowered traditional wears in certain ethnics. All in all, advancements in technology surely have caused traditions and culture to get a setback.The government as well as the responsible authorities should organize campaigns and take action so that the young will know the legacy that our ancestors have practiced and passed on to us. Perhaps, a cultural dance such as lion dance, fan dance, ‘bharatanatyam’ being performed on occasions will get younger generation to know their culture better. They will then pass on to the next generation. It is never too late to teach them on culture and traditions, which is a legacy to leave behind when we are gone leaving a great impact on the next generation.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Com/156 Assignment 6 Week 1
Week 6 Assignment 1 COM/156, Lindy Hatten There are several instances of naturally occurring substances that have positive medicinal benefits, which easily outweigh the negative effects of the drugs. Parts of the Cannabis plants are a very obvious example; there are currently seventeen states that have legalized medicinal marijuana for use by patients with a qualifying medical condition that has been evaluated by a physician.Cannabis is safe and effective at treating peripheral neuropathy, which causes great suffering to HIV/AIDS patients. Cannabis is also very effective in alleviating the pain and nausea caused from many other medical conditions and/or the treatments, such as chemotherapy, which is used to treat many forms of cancer. Recently, the use of cannabis in treatment of hepatitis C also has shown to have alleviating abilities for underlying conditions.According to a study conducted in 2006 by a research group in northern California, marijuana-using patients were three times more likely to clear the deadly virus from their bodies. Another naturally occurring substance that has shown medicinal benefits in recent clinical trials, conducted in the UK in 2006, is psilocybin, which is found in several types of mushrooms, but most notably the Psilocybe genus. Mushrooms containing the psychoactive alkaloids are often referred to as â€Å"magic mushrooms†due to their hallucinogenic properties.Researchers have found that the active chemical in these mushrooms can have curative properties for those who suffer with a very painful form of headaches known as cluster headaches, or as they are sometimes known suicide headaches, due to the number of suicides amongst sufferers from the high level of pain. The study concluded with the observation, â€Å"Our observations suggest that psilocybin and LSD may be effective in treating cluster attacks, possibly by a mechanism that is unrelated to their hallucinogenic properties.This report should not be misinterprete d as an endorsement of the use of illegal substances for self-treatment of cluster headaches. †A more recent study lead by Dr. Robert Carhart-Harris concluded that previous results are consistent, and also that psilocybin helped to reduce the amount of activity from the mPFC neurotransmitter, which plays a significant role in depression. The medicinal effects of psilocybin are very similar to several depression treatments available.While the promise of psilocybin treating these headaches is still a long way away from any sort of legal medical use, this is a step in the right direction. As well as the positive medicinal benefits of several natural drugs, there are positive spiritual aspects of natural drug use. Natural drugs have been used for millennia to alleviated what ancient people believed to be spiritual corruption, as cleansing agents, and as well as a sacrament. Ayahuasca and peyote have been used for thousands of years by hundreds, if not thousands, of different cult ures.Ayahuasca is a psychoactive tea that is made by infusing the plant matter of two or more psychoactive plants. One ingredient contains 5-MeO-DMT (a substance similar to LSD), and the other ingredient contains an MAOI that allows the DMT to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The Quechua people of South America have been known to use it and have used it for thousands of years. They use it as a sacrament in order to become more in tune with nature and their gods, and believe that it gives the user supernatural abilities of insight and wisdom.Peyote is another substance that indigenous people of the Americas, more specifically the Navajos, used as a sacrament, and still to this day members of certain Native American tribes use peyote in their religious ceremonies. Responsible, safe, and moderate use can reduce one’s risk of addiction and can reduce the debilitating effects of certain drugs. Obviously if you smoke two packs of cigarettes a day, and you were to cut back down to five cigarettes a day, then your risk of heart attack and stroke would decrease.The same is true for other drugs. While no drug is safe and all are addictive to some extent, moderate and responsible use can greatly reduce the inherit risks that come with some drugs. Responsible drug use also involves knowing about the drugs and what parts of your body they affect, inhibit, and degrade. Responsible users do not use heroin, due to the inherit risks that come with it. It is a highly addictive substance with little medicinal value in the shadow of its volatility.Safety for drug users is ignored and addicts go untreated and persecuted as criminals rather than people with an illness. In parts of the UK, and other countries in Europe, there are what is known as SISs (Safe Injection Sites), where addicts are given access to clean needles and other sterile equipment in order to decrease the transfer of disease from people sharing needles. This is productive towards the main problem, and the U. S. should take note of this.These people are going to get their hands on these drugs regardless of their legal status, it is the government’s responsibility to protect these people and provide them with safe equipment in order to protect them from disease. Despite the positive medicinal values and spiritual uses of many natural drugs, society has wrongly demonized several natural drugs due to a lack of understanding and misinformation. Anti-marijuana activists and certain government agencies would have you believe that marijuana is a highly addictive substance with no medicinal value, and that the users of the drug are to be considered criminals and addicts.Harry Anslinger of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, which eventually evolved into the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), created the â€Å"Reefer madness†campaign in the 1930s. The use of the Mexican name of the cannabis plant, marijuana, was popularized by the Hearst newspaper chain to scare the public into believing that there was a new and dangerous drug being introduced to American youth by black musicians and Mexicans. The result of this media blitz was the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, which was the beginning of marijuana's prohibition.Since its prohibition, numerous studies have been conducted to determine marijuana's toxicity level: the conclusion of the studies was that it would take 20,000 to 40,000 times the normal dose to induce death. Another way of stating this would be that a person would have to ingest 1,500 pounds in 15 minutes. In 1972, after studying all the evidence, Judge Francis Young of the DEA found marijuana to be â€Å"one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. He also added that, â€Å"One must reasonably conclude that there is accepted safety for use of marijuana under medical supervision. To conclude otherwise, on the record, would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious. †His decision in the case was overru led by the Court of Appeals and medicinal marijuana was still denied even to seriously ill patients, until decades later when states began legalizing medicinal marijuana themselves.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Bohemia and The Final Problem Essay
When he reaches the Englischer Hof, the innkeeper has no idea about any sick Englishwoman. Realizing at last what has happened, Watson rushes back to Reichenbach Falls only to find no-one there, although he does see two sets of footprints going out onto the muddy dead-end path, but none coming back. There is also a note from Holmes, explaining that he knew the report Watson was given to be a hoax and that he is about to fight Moriarty, who has graciously given him enough time to pen this last letter. Watson sees that towards the end of the path, there are signs that a violent struggle has taken place. It is all too clear: Holmes and Moriarty have both died, falling to their deaths down the gorge whilst locked in mortal combat. This bit is so sad and shows Sherlock Holmes’ respect for Dr Watson as he lets him go back. Sherlock Holmes is a noble man in this scene and tries to protect Dr Watson from the pain of his death. However Dr Watson is left clearly upset saying he will forever regard Sherlock Holmes was â€Å"the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known†. This did choke me up a little as I read the last words of the story. I think overall the 1st person narrative by Dr Watson really works. There are a few problems but they have been solved by the way that the stories are written. For a setting to be typical of that of a detective story it needs to be a little scary and quirky, with the most successful murder mysteries taking place in dilapidated and isolated old houses. There is one striking resemblance of all the villains in the stories we have studied, they are all very noticeable. Dr Roylott and Dr Moriarty both tall and imposing, Irene Adler is beautiful and dainty and Hugh Boone is ugly and repulsive. The two most evil villains, Dr Roylott and Dr Moriarty it says have both inherited their evil tendencies. The literary pairing of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson works well because they are different, two vivid characters, so different in their functions and needs and as all partnerships should be, based on a great friendship. I think generally there is only one story which we have read which could be described as a typical murder mystery or detective story and that is The Speckled Band. This is the only one with a typical setting, villain and story sequence. The others are not so, with A Scandal in Bohemia not having a typical setting, The Man with the Twisted Lip having a villain who is the same person as the victim and The Final Problem resulting in the death of the detective. So I think that you can categorize stories into genres but it is much harder to say â€Å"this is a typical detective story†or â€Å"this isn’t because †¦ †In the end each story is different. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, and The Yellow Wall Paper Essay
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, and The Yellow Wall Paper - Essay Example This led to almost a unanimous conclusion that he would have been an angle were it not on the mortal features that would be observed from him. The theme of the supernatural in the form of mortals would be espoused through the story as was contrasted with magical power as well as the mystery of punishing disobedience with change from human form to the form of a spider as was the case with the ‘spider girl’. External conflict is very evident as father Gonzaga tries tirelessly to restrain people from converging at Pelayo’s home to view the claimed angle before the higher church authority would pass the verdict of confirming or not that the man was indeed an angle. People would therefore leave and when the spider girl arrives within the city, more attention by the people would be shifted to her because she proves to be more friendly and humane than Pelayo’s old man. There is therefore the conflict of interest and the girl becomes more famous than the old man at Pelayo’s home. The theme of spirituality and religion is much pronounced within the story with Pelayo’s neighbor having the position that the old man must have been an angel who came for Pelayo’s child while the father and the higher authority in the church refuted the claim and had the position that the mysterious old man must have been a fake angel. Predominance of the mystery behind the nature of the man however remains when after the winter, the man grows more feathers and one day flies away as Pelayo’s wife watch although to her relief because she had already grown tired of the mysterious visitor (GradeSaver LLC., para 1-4). Charlotte Perkins wrote the short story on yellow wall paper expounding on the theme of family and the position of women in the society as was depicted at the time. From the story, one major lesson dominates; that human beings, just as is the case
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Assignment Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Assignment Questions - Essay Example s internet marketing, owing to the fact that it is rapidly increasing in popularity in the contemporary business environment and may attract a substantial number of clients. Planning: Identification of resources needed to market the bicycle; identification of target markets for the bicycle; identification of marketing channels i.e. e-marketing and assessing marketing condition i.e. market prices, competitors among others. Implementation: This stage would involve exposing the products to the identified marketing channels; exposing the bicycles to the identified target market and offering them at standard market price that benefits that company and affordable to clients Evaluation: This would involve assessing efficacy of the marketing procedures that have been put in place i.e. Are clients satisfied with the company’s e-marketing procedures? Are the prices offered cost-effective? The factors that would be considered when considering the product failure are: Competition from new and emerging alternative products; prices; efficacy of the product in satisfying customers’ needs and marketing strategies as well as clients’ perception on the product. Improve operational efficiency of the product, especially after reviewing customers’ complaints; in addition, the market price of the product would be adjusted accordingly. After an analysis of the marketing strategy, possible improvements would be made. Consequently, research would be performed on the market trends to determine new and emerging alternative products and identify how our product can be improved to meet market standards. Yes. To be a good innovator, one must be willing to accept failure; this ensures that one creates a chance for undertaking research to identify causes of improvements, thus making necessary
I will explain it in the instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
I will explain it in the instructions - Essay Example  Therefore, authorizing euthanasia results to doctor-assisted death of non-critical casualties1. Conservatives like in America wants a dominion on the world .Only if Americans synergetic ally work tough, and attain the potential, then they reign as the only cost-effective and martial superpower. Other countries will befriend them, work with us and trade with them but cannot manage to contest with them, whereas, liberals don’t want the nation to be much successful as such1. Liberals consider the action of the state governance to provide opportunities fairly to all and equality. It is upon the government to assuage the social ills to defend social independence, entity and human rights. The essential responsibility of government is to care for the general wellness and secretive civil rights which were considered inextricably associated if not similar people concur to restrictions on their conduct by conceding to government definite imperfect powers and only if the government policy represented in both public and private rights while on the other hand, Conservatives holds on individual accountability, partial government, liberal markets, character autonomy, traditional2. Believe the task of government ought to endow people with the liberty required to practice the goals of their desire. Conventional policy commonly emphasizes on strengthening individuals to handle their own questions at hand1. The importance of ideology differences became a theoretical debate just after the assertion of the occurrence in political discourse2. This is due to the fact that main components of ideology cover political behavior and use of propaganda to obtain both within and global legitimacy to be recorded since in the past. A severe methodical investigation of the ideological mechanism in intercontinental associations turned out to be promising, subsequent to two situations that were realised. To
Monday, August 26, 2019
Compare and contrast two explanations of late-nineteenth century Essay
Compare and contrast two explanations of late-nineteenth century European imperialism with regards to two European empires in at - Essay Example The British conquest of India began in the middle of the eighteenth century and played a major part in this country’s rise to world dominance in the nineteenth century. Because Britain had an excellent Navy and a spirit of exploration and conquest, the first settlers there quickly set up businesses to supply the factories at home with raw materials. Britain had just begun a period of great economic expansion at home, which has come to be called â€Å"the industrial revolution.†The East India Company was created to build up trade in goods like spices and cotton, and Britain soon relied upon this country for the supply of many goods. The East India Company was a private organization but it received a lot of support from the British government. It grew into a major cultural influence as well, aiming to educate the Indian population in English ways. Britain’s colonial influence extended far across the huge territories of India. Some of the profits from trade were us ed to introduce new technologies into India like roads and telegraphs, and even a vast railway network. The purpose was to support the colonial trade system, but an important side-effect was a shift in the culture of India for the native people there. Some historians see the colonisation of India in terms of bringing progress to the whole world, especially economic progress: â€Å"no organization in history has done more to promote the free movement of goods, capital and labour than the British Empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries†(Ferguson: 2004, p. xxi) From this perspective, the brutal oppression of Indians who did not accept British rule is seen as an unfortunate price that had to be paid for this great progress. It is astonishing that so few British people managed to control such a huge land, for example in the period 1860-1905, â€Å"there were seldom more than 100,00 of them (European people) scattered among a population of over 250 million, and mos t were British soldiers who lived in cantonments concentrated in the northern half of the country.†(Ferguson, 2004, p. 341) The British government supplied troops to keep control over areas where uprisings occurred, for example in Bengal, which quickly became a centre for British influence. (Marshall: 2005, p. 241) A key factor in the success of the â€Å"Jewel in the Crown†of Queen Victoria’s empire was this partnership between business and government for purposes which benefited them both. This economic analysis is a convincing explanation of Britain’s great success in colonising the whole subcontinent of India. The colonisation of Tunisia by France is seen also by some historians as an incoming advanced nation bringing civilisation and progress to a backward country. The colonial attitudes are the same, and Africa was seen as a great prize which could be easily taken. There was a great rush by many European countries to take what they could: â€Å"Th e partition of Africa took little more than 20 years. It began with the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Wesseling: 2004, p, 148) France began to impose a political structure that fitted in with its centralist approach to government. Tunisia, along with Algeria and Morocco, became an extension of the French department system. At this late stage, more than a
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Starbucks valuation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Starbucks valuation - Essay Example her people who are keen on the financial statements of the company are the creditors of the company who are concerned with the debt ratios of the company. The creditors of a company concentrate on the financial statement of the company so that they can determine the amount of debt that should be forwarded to the company. My paper will deal with the financial analysis of Starbucks Company. The used of the horizontal and the vertical analysis are the 2 simplest ways of analyzing the financial statements of a company. Vertical analysis usually shows the relationship that exists between components that are found in the financial statements of the company. They are measured in the form of percentages. In the balance sheet, all the components are shown as a percentage of the total assets of the company in that particular financial period. In the income statements, the items are shown as a percentage of the net sales or the net revenue of the company. Horizontal analysis shows a way that can be used in the comparison of numbers that are found in different accounting periods. From the vertical analysis, the company is doing goods in terms of the gross profit since most of the revenue is been converted to profits. However, there is a large of revenue that is been channeled to selling expenses. The company should work towards the reduction of the costs of the company so that the profit that is attributable to the company should increase. The percentage of net income as compared to the total revenue is a good percentage; however, with the reduction in costs and an increase in the sales, the company will earn more net profit. From the vertical analysis of the balance sheet, cash and its equivalents take a large portion of the company total assets. That will imply that the company is more liquid. The liquidity levels that are high are usually appealing to creditors that are short term since that will imply that the company has the ability to cater for its short term
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Causes Attributed to the Occurrence of Torus Palatinus Essay
Causes Attributed to the Occurrence of Torus Palatinus - Essay Example This type occurs the most frequent with the longer axis in a sagittal direction (Vidic 1511). The nodular torus arises as multiple protuberances, each with an individual base. These protruberances may coalesxe, forming grooves between them. The lobular torus is also a lobulated mass, but it rises from single base. Lobular tori can either be sessile or pedunculated (Neville 21). These exocytoses are usually composed of mature dense cancellous bone with a rim of cortical bone of variable thickness. Occasional minimal osteoblastic activity or even hemopoietic marrow can be seen (Belsky 2061). Most palatal tori are small, measuring less that 2cm in diameter; however, they can slowly increase in size throughout life, sometimes to the extent that they fill the entire palatal vault (Neville 22). Torus palatinus is usually assymptomatic, growing into the the second and third decades of life and often goes unnoticed until middle age (Sisman 269). Like other tori, torus palatinus is benign and is not considered as a disease or pathology. It is not usually indicated for surgical removal unless the torus is interfering with the use of dentures or with the patient's mouth functions. Recurrent mucosal lacerations covering a large torus can also be an indication for surgery. The prevalence of palatal tori has varied widely in a number of... One of the theories published in many journals is that torus palatinus is acquired genetically. In a study done by Gould in 1964 as to the inheritance of torus palatinus & torus mandibularis, he found out that in eight family pedigrees comprising in a total of 125 individuals, the locus for torus palatinus is on an autosome, because of its inheritance regardless of sex. The gene for torus palatinus acts as a simple dominant gene (163). The same conclusion was given by Barbujani, in their segregation analysis study of 99 sibships in 2 samples from Venezuela and Japan with the gene showing variable expressivity and penetrance close to 85% among the populations considered (317). Another study done by Gorsky, Bukai & Shohat on the genetic influence on the prevalence of torus palatinus also yield an autosomal dominant transmission in the vertical transmission of torus palatinus in 19 families. They also saw a significantly higher number of affected offspring (60.3%) observed compare d to the expected figure (50%) for an autosomal dominant trait with full penetrance. Another theory that is also widely accepted is tous palatinus (Last Name) 3 due to environmental factors. This was the conclusion reached by n a study done by Halffman , Scott & Pedersen. They assessed the temporal and spatial variation of torus palatinus on all available Greenlandic Norse skeletons, as well as on samples of medieval Icelanders and Norwegians. They observed that medieval Greenlanders from the Eastern and Western settlements exhibited higher frequencies and more pronounced expressions of palatine torus compared with early 11th century Greenlanders and they
Friday, August 23, 2019
Knowledge and Skills Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Knowledge and Skills Framework - Essay Example The NHS KSF (Knowledge and Skills Framework) comprises of thirty dimensions in all of which six of them are core to every job. These core dimensions describe the key functions that the NHS staff must follow in order to optimize the level and quality of service provided to the public at large. These include: Communication; Personal & People Development; Health Safety and Security; Service Improvement; Quality; and Equality and Diversity (DoH, 2004). Communication will help in service givers in caring for dying / sick people in a better manner. Personal & People development aims at ascertaining the learning needs of the staff and to ensure that they are well equipped to train their junior team members such as care assistants or nursing students. The health, safety and security dimension focuses on the belief that every individual within the NHS including the staff, patients or visitors are entitled to be safe and well cared for. Service improvement is an evolving area in the field of palliative care provision and it helps in ensuring that the staff is well equipped with current knowledge which will in turn prove to be extremely crucial and helpful in their respective fields of practice. Quality is one of the most significant aspects of health care. This dimension is included by the NHS to ensure good quality of service provision by individual practitioners. The health care service is often plagued with doubts, complaints and cri ticisms regarding the lack of equality in service provision. This core dimension i.e. Equality and Diversity, hence aims to ensure that no differentiation whatsoever is made between individuals seeking health care service and that all patients regardless of their ethnic or other differences shall be treated with equality at all times (Stevens, 2009). Communication is one of most important factors, particularly in the field of health care. It is the means by which patients and care givers
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Roman Influence on Byzantine Empire and Islamic Societies Essay Example for Free
Roman Influence on Byzantine Empire and Islamic Societies Essay The mother of the world has been killed,†stated a 5th century historian, bereft and appalled when the news of Rome’s fall had reached ear. Certainly his words hold truth, for Rome the dauntingly colossal Empire engulfing the Mediterranean and all territories around it; the source of artistic, intellectual, and cultural ascendancy; the influential factor of brilliance in so many of the coexisting societies of the western world was truly the predecessor and creator of all Western Civilization to come. However, what no one knew, was that the lasting impression this powerful and astonishing civilization would make upon the world, even if only through the works of fleeting memory or written text. As always, with loss comes a chance for gain an opportunity for rebirth and renewal that could previously have only been a dream. And so, with the collapse of one great empire, opportunities arose for the numbers of new kingdoms and societies to follow. The Byzantine Empire and Islamic societies were two especially prominent societies that gained primacy, arising from the fourth to sixth century. Although both Byzantine and Islamic societies created their own empires, with separate rulers and individuals, the Roman Empire heavily influenced their cultural aspects, as demonstrated in their religion, art, and law. The Byzantine Empire was a highly prosperous society centered around the city of Constantinople. This society, dating back to around 330 AD, consecutively arising after the fall of the Roman Empire, and managed to remain in power for more than 1000 years. It was the most powerful economic and military force in all of Europe at the height of it’s power. Constantinople, located at present day Istanbul, was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, and played a key role in the hegemony of the empire. By cause of the city’s prime positioning with access to east-west and north-south trade routes, trade became an important institution and base of economy in the Byzantine Empire. Silk was originally bought from China for the grand empire, until silk-worms were illegally obtained by Byzantine monks, and factories were established in the Empireto create this rare product. Silk soon became an imperial monopoly, and through this way, the trade of luxury items became the Byzantine’s main source of income. The location of Constantinople also aided in military conquest and defence, for the empire’s naval headquarters were located along the shores, and had access to the Black Sea and Mediterranean. Because of the Empire’s location, all but overlapping the fallen Roman’s territory, the Byzantine Empire was greatly affected by these Roman’s past traditions and ways of life. The Roman Empire influenced the Byzantine Empire’s culture, mainly through the religion of Christianity. Christianity first appeared in the Roman Empire, with the birth, teachings, and supposed resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the beginning years of it’s arrival, Christianity was not tolerated and Christians were mainly, and most often brutally prosecuted. However, with Constantine’s Edict of Milan, Christianity was officially tolerated, and under Theodosius, it became the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Byzantine Empire inherited this relatively new religion, continuing to follow the beliefs and traditions of the church, as well as spreading the word of Jesus Christ and the message of god. Churches sprung up in the empire, such as the mighty Hagia Sophia. Located in Constantinople and built by Justinian, this church especially exemplified Roman influence through its divine architecture. â€Å"Above the arches is raised a circular building of a curved form through which the light of day first shines,†(document 2) boasts Procopius, a Byzantine scholar from Palestine. He became the principal historian of the 6th century, documenting the works and wars of Justinian I. Procopius describes the church’s magnificent domed ceiling, which, along with columns and a concrete skeleton, can hardly be castigated, nor denied of it’s uncanny resemblance to Rome’s Pantheon. Justinian was the Christian Emperor of the Byzantine Empire who is famous for his building projects, battle tactics, and his codification of Roman law. â€Å"We have attempted the most thorough amendment of the entire law, to collect and revise the whole body of Roman jurisprudence, and to assemble in one book the scattered treatises of so many authors,†Justinian writes, reflecting upon his work. The Justinian code was essentially a collection of scattered Roman documents on law, treaties, and other diverse legal matters. This codification was used as the basic system of law in the Byzantine Empire, and successfully governed an Empire of citizens for roughly 1000 years. In conclusion, if not for the influence and impact of lingering hints of Roman Christianity, architecture , and law, the Byzantine Empire would have evolved into a profoundly variant society than the one established so many years ago. Islamic Societies were very militaristic, religious, and politically based on the teaching of Muhammad. Although small when first founded in the sixth century, at it’s height of power, regions conquered and maintained by the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties included Egypt, Arabia, lands of the Persian Empire and Asia Minor, regions of North Africa snaking along the Mediterranean, and territories of present day Spain in the west. Comprised of brilliant generals and thousands of well-motivated men striving for eternal paradise in the after-life, the army was immensely dynamic, efficacious, and cardinal to the prodigious power of the Islamic Kingdom. Religion influenced much of the population’s way of life, dictating family practices, working hours, diet, public ceremonies, and many other aspects of everyday life. To maintain the promise of eternal paradise after death, a Muslim was expected to follow the ruler and faith with honor and loyalty, as well as the Five Pillars of Islam. Stated in the Qur’an, these pillars are thought of as the hindmost commitment to Islam, and obedience to the laws is key. One must accept monotheism and Muhammad as God’s holy messenger (Shahada), pray five times a day and attend communal prayer on friday (Salat), give alms to the poor and less fortunate (Zakat), fast during the holy month of Ramadan (Sawm), and make a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) at least once in a life-time. The rulers of Islamic Society, entitled as caliphs, were expected to follow these pillars, as well as the practice of Jihad striving in the way of the Lord. However, although the Islamic culture and government had many newly created aspects, the motif of previous Roman society was still predominantly clear. Roman influence on Islamic Societies was mainly displayed in its art, specifically architecture and language. The multitude of Roman architects, hired by kings to institute the design and production of churches, were frequently extremely bright, talented, and passionate. The innovative building models established were graced with stability, natural impregnability, and beauty. Islamic societies gained much of their knowledge on contemporary architecture from the Romans, and in effect, produced constructions very similar to those erected in the bygone days of the Roman Empire. For example, the Islamic Dome of the Rock, constructed in Jerusalem 690 AC, possesses aspects similar to those of the Roman Pantheon. The Dome of the Rock’s ceiling, to no extent of surprise, is in fact in the shape of a dome, such as the ceiling of the Pantheon. Furthermore, the Islamic structure contains many columns that are conjointly displayed in the Roman temple. The Mosque at Cordoba contains arches and columns resembling those built by Romans in water canals and at the gates of cities. The Islamic religions also continued to carry on the most spoken language of Rome Latin. Caliphs and libraries collected texts from all around the world, while scholars translated the sterling works into Arabic and Latin. Although Islamic some celebrations show congruency with celebrations of Christians,Roman influence on the Muslim people was mainly cultural. News of Rome’s fall spread quickly throughout lands of the Mediterranean, Africa, Persia, and Arabia. All were astonished at the supposed failure of the once mighty empire, considering it’s previous success and military conquest. Acting as predecessor and nurturer, Rome had affected countless bordering societies, all across the western world. However, the historian pronouncing Rome’s title as â€Å"mother of the world†had been ludicrously incorrect in concern to one aspect of the Empire’s demise. Rome went on influence future cultures in the Mediterranean regain for centuries, especially those of the Byzantine Empire and ancient Islamic Societies. By means of the Empire’s culture, religion, and law, Rome continues to influence American society today, even hundreds of year’s after the empire’s fall. In Washington D. C. , the use of columns, arches, and domes is a common motif in most political buildings, as well as domestic dwellings. Christianity is now a widely adopted religion, practiced by approximately thirty-three percent of the entire world’s population. Justinian’s codification of Roman law can still be compared with legal and justice systems from around the world, especially in western civilization. The 6th century historian was terribly mistaken in the fact that Rome had been killed, for today as vividly as yesterday; as true as the promise of tomorrow’s rising sun Rome lives on. In the subtle curve of an elegant column, in the chromatic dazzle of a church’s stained glass window, and in the crack of a judge’s mallet, bringing justice to all those our mighty nation gives promise to protect and serve, Rome survives. Chin to the sky, arms open, Rome stands tall and illustrious, ready to embrace all those who walk the earth all whom she deems children.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Lekythos Essay Example for Free
Lekythos Essay A lekythos is an ancient Greek vase made of ceramic; the plural of lekythos is lekythoi (Reference #2). It has a narrow neck, single handle, and is tall with a small, deep mouth (Reference #7). The lekythos was used as a flask, used to hold olive oil and perfumes (Reference #1), and were developed in ancient Athens during the fifth century. In Classical Athens, lekythoi were painted in white ground with figurative scenes. White ground is a form of art used by Athenians in which they created the vase, fired it, and then the lekythos was painted in white. The figures and scenes were then painted on top of the white ground. This method meant that the paintings did not last as well, but were very beautiful in their original state (Reference # 8). Lekythoi were mainly used during funerary rituals, but they were also used by Greek athletes. In ancient Greece, the athletes would practice and compete outdoors, getting themselves covered in sand and dirt. Rather than cleaning themselves at the bath-house, they would rub themselves down with olive oil from a lekythos, then scrape off the excess dirt and oil, leaving their skin soft and clean (Reference #8). The lekythoi used by athletes would be covered in depictions of scenes from Greek mythology, often including imagery of Greek goods such as Zeus and Achilles (Reference #8). The role of lekythoi in funerary rituals is made clear by their excavation from cemeteries and tombs (Reference #7). A lekythos that was meant to be used during a burial ceremony would be painted with scenes of mourning or scenes from the life of the deceased (Reference #5). These lekythoi were sometimes painted with scenes depicting Greek gods, perhaps to cast the deceased in the light of heroic warriors of history (Reference #8). Researchers have been able to put together the funeral process the Athenians went through, and have found that lekythoi played a key role in funerary rites. Firstly, a lekythos would be brought in during the preparation of the body for burial. The body would be prepared by a woman from the same household as the deceased, and it would then be anointed by the oil from the lekythos (Reference #6). Secondly, some lekythoi were filled with scented oils and perfumes and placed around the body, while others were set along the approach to the grave or placed beside the tomb (Reference #5). This was done as a part of the religious focus of the burial ceremony, and was given as an offering. Lastly, a lekythos would often be brought to the gravesite or tomb of the deceased after the burial. It was very important to ancient Greeks to visit the gravesite of loved ones quite often, and when they visited, they would bring offerings to the deceased such as fruit, a feast, or a lekythos filled with olive oil or perfume (Reference #6). In time, the Lekythos was developed into a much larger version of itself, being called â€Å"Huge Lekythoi†. These were often left on top of a grave, or beside a tomb opening, almost as an ancient grave marker (Reference #7). Though they would not be inscribed with any words or the name of the deceased, they would have a painted scene depicting the deceased, some scene from their life, or a scene depicting a sport or activity the deceased greatly enjoyed. Many lekythoi have been recovered and are currently housed in museums all over the world. Though many are not in their original glory, most have been reconstructed. New lekythoi have been made in Greece and are still used today in some small Greek communities during the preparation of the body, and left by the tombstone of the deceased.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Marketing Strategies Used In Film Industry Bollywood Media Essay
Marketing Strategies Used In Film Industry Bollywood Media Essay Patiala House releases in Patiala, ironically the film has nothing to do with the princely state, Katrina Kaif in Lucknow studio of radio mirchi for Rajneetis Promotion, Silence is the promotion strategy for My Name is Khan a much talked film This paper investigates widespread marketing strategies used in Film industry popularly called the Bollywood both nationally and internationally. Film marketing is rapidly developing into a promising industry although the idea is its incipient stage in India. We have seen over the years that success of film now not only through its contents but varied integration of marketing strategies to promote the film. Today everyone in the film bazaar wants success but it is acquired by only those who have come out with some out of box strategy for their film. Films are much hyped before their release in the market so that they have great openings but some are bombed in few weeks and some are not even noticed due to lack of content. Films now are more than just an entertainment, but are a business. Marketing of a movie is not a new initiative it has its existence since films were introduced in India, but it is followed more rigorously in todays state of film affairs. The inception of this paper starts with introduction of the film industry followed with the strategies used to market the movies in the industry. This is also an interest area of the author, as being a movie buff. The other segment research will highlight the growth of this budding industry. The content of this paper also comprises with current inclination and variation that are common in the film industry. The methodology used in this paper has a literature review which will be the basis of the report. Due to non-availability of required data relating to the expenses on conventional and non-conventional media, the author has chose a case study approach. To indentify the consumption pattern of the consumer a research is conducted both with qualitative and quantitative analysis. The dissertation is ended with the inclusion of integrated marketing framework for Bollywood and the new means that for existing medium, those are being or could be deployed in the area of film marketing. Methodology: Before getting into details of film marketing the author highlights the area of conventional and non-conventional media and tactics to manipulate the viewers decision. Conventional media majorly includes Trailers and Commercials on Television, Posters, Radio promotion and Printed Ads etc. whereas, unconventional media comprises of SMS/MMS, Internet Broadband, BTL activities and events and social networking etc. In terms of number of movies produced India has the biggest movie industry. Around 800 movies are made and released of which 90% are bombed beyond the week at the box-office. (Indiaonestop, 2010) We can every day, every few hours, somebody, somewhere is launching a feature film in this country. (Bose, 2006) So its important for a film marketer to know which method or media would be appropriate for that particular film. While delineating conventional tactics for marketing films to the unconventional ones a clear example would be advertisement in theatre which is a conventional way but using technology or innovative techniques to market it qualifies to be an unconventional way of marketing. Taking in to consideration the number of flops annually the Bollywood gives, it is mandatory to understand the spending done on these mediums for promotion as it would give an insight to a new method which will be helpful for our dissertation. Film makers generally dont take into consideration what audiences want a few can be named as Ram Gopal Verma, Mani Ratnam etc. whose films like RGV ki Aag, Rakta Charitra and Raavan flopped in spite of having strong star cast. So in order to gauge consumer consumption pattern in terms of movie content, effects of promotional activities, change in the decision to watch a movie etc. (Chand, 2011) These factors will help in defining the timing of the movie to launched, content of the movie, Star cast, Publicity, unfriendly press and partner brands. Producers often forget the importance of the above factors in a hurry to give a clone of previous hits. All the film makers try to play safe, recover costs and try to move on and thus leave the impression to the general public that our film makers have run out of ideas. (Bose, 2006) Film makers these days are like businessman, they spread their losses by investing in several films simultaneously in the anticipation that at if one will work he can take care of the losses with it. A film-maker who has the resources and the ability to work and gamble on multiple projects is never let down by the law of probability. Mode of Study/Tools Used: A two pronged approach adopted in this report will help to understand all of the above and find a satisfactory answer for it. A secondary research will be conducted on the available data. A whole research framework will be gathered related to film marketing. This would not meet ones expectation entirely so we need a primary survey including both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative research would be done with the help of questionnaires targeting the urban crowds from the metros excluding the southern cities of India. Overseas city like Leicester and Wembley which has a number of Indian communities is also taken under the survey which will give a more holistic research. Approximately a sample of 50 respondents were targeted, though the number is too short for large topic like this; hence a figure ranging to 20,000 at a confidence level of 95% and percentage of 50% the confidence interval comes out to be approximately +/-3.5% which should be acceptable. Internet has been used as a medium to collect data from the respondents along with collecting data personally from the above mentioned localities in Wembley and Leicester. This medium saved cost and time. However response for the survey was not mandatory and it was completely at respondents discretion. The idea behind the selection of the metros for primary research is due to the beginning of the multiplex culture in these cities. Usual movie goers were targeted that includes families, teens, couples etc. The data obtained from this survey will be evaluated using factor analysis. This data will help us to understand the trend, interest of the consumers towards the unconventional media used to promote the films. As part of the research a case study of movie will be taken which was well marketed but bombed at the box office. This will give an actual scenario of the topic. Anticipated Output from the Research: Few questions would come up along with this dissertation: Whom should the producer communicate to? What appeals to whom? Which media reaches the most? What do the consumers want? Limitations of the Survey: This sample does not represent the entire India due to the limitation of the survey conducted in the taken geography. The area was chosen mostly as the region bestows majorly to the Hindi speaking population of the country. Another limitation is number of the respondents would be contacted through emails or social networking sites which leads to a possibility of fake response, half response or also data duplication. Review of Literature Overview: Hollywood has been dominant over the years in the international film industry but slowly Mumbai and Shanghai are emerging beyond providing the local language films and television into domestic and international markets. Los Angeles remains the largest cluster in the world with Mumbai following second in the lead. (PWC, 2010) Mumbai and Shanghais cluster increases between 2010 and 2040 while that of Los Angeles cluster decreases in size. This is because of shift of consumers towards alternative media options like video games and internet. (PWC, 2010) Indian and Chinese governments have realized the potential of the industry and so they are encouraging these industries to grow. However it is difficult to imagine a mainstream film audience opting for Chinese movies instead of Hollywood movies. In future this may change. In recent years Hollywood and Bollywood have realized the importance of regional cinema and so there is an increasing trend of dubbing popular movies of both the industry. E.g. Gurinder Chadhas latest film Its a Wonderful Afterlife was dubbed in Hindi and Punjabi. (PWC, 2010) As stated earlier the subject of this dissertation is to understand the Indian Film Industrys marketing strategies and its competitors. The aim of the literature review is to understand the method used for film marketing using conventional and nonconventional medium. Indian film marketing is in its incipient stage there is dearth of literature work. There are few reports and articles here and there which shed light on this subject. The literature review on the subject I found relevant to my research is as follows: Unraveling the potential: The Indian Entertainment and Media Industry, FICCI Frames, March 2006, by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) The report is published by FICCI and it looks as Entertainment and Media Industry as a whole but not only the film industry. However the overall percepts provided gives some important information for my research. Table 1: IRS 2005, Round 2 as quoted in Jagran Prakashan Prospectus filed with SEBI dated Feb 3, 2006 Urban India Films Reach in % age Reach in millions A1 30.6 2.43 A2 25.1 3.85 B1, B2 19.1 7.53 C 18.1 8.59 D 17.1 9.52 E1, E2 15.7 10.59 Source: Televisionpoint, Research, Media Industry, 2005 The above table shows how much penetration films have in the socio economic classes. It helps to target market segmentation and marketing campaigns according to the socio-economic classes and the reach of the medium. However the report shows the share of the film industry in the Indian economy which is not changing from 2005- 2010 as the share of film industry was 19 % in 2005 but has not increased in 2010. (FICCI, 2006) The report points out that film industry is among few growth drivers for the EM industry. Quoting directly from the report: Indians love to watch movies. And advancements in technology are helping the Indian film industry in all the spheres film production, film exhibition and marketing. The industry is increasingly getting more corporatized. Several film production, distribution and exhibition companies are coming out with public issues. More theatres across the country are getting upgraded to multiplexes and initiatives to set up more digital cinema halls in the country are already underway. This will not only improve the quality of prints and thereby make film viewing a more pleasurable experience, but also reduce piracy of prints. (FICCI, 2006) Faults Found Indian Film Industry is full of uncertainty and is unorganized. The outcome is bollywood has only 1% of share in the world film industry while at the same time US has 60% of the world revenue. (PWC FICCI, 2007) Table 2 Filmed entertainment revenues by country/region, US$ million, 2009 Country/region Revenue in US$ million Percentage of total USA 34,431 40.4 Japan 11,061 13.0 UK 5,599 6.6 Other Western Europe 5,151 6.1 France 3,763 4.4 Germany 3,646 4.3 Canada 3,330 3.9 Other Asia Pacific 2,681 3.1 Australia 2,562 3.0 Latin America 2,431 2.9 Italy 2,087 2.5 Central and Eastern Europe 1,982 2.3 India 1,899 2.2 Spain 1,688 2.0 South Korea 1,275 1.5 China 1,206 1.4 Middle East and Africa 345 0.4 Total 85,137 100.0 Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2010-2014, June 2010 The above report shows the world film market is still dominated by the developed economies. (UK Film Council, 2010) In spite of Indian Film Industry having larger admissions ratio and population it still lags behind to Australia and Italy in terms of world market share. Films are today more than Art, its business. This showbiz business is the biggest money earner in the country. In last couple of years film industry has changed itself into fully professional business industry with innovative methods to promote a film. Time has changed and so are the promotional and marketing activities of a film. Awareness of film and its Star Cast is important in the competitive industry. (Merinews, 2010) Almost two to three movies releasing every Friday, to succeed the producer or directors have to something different to attract the audiences. Its all about creating brand identity. For e.g. during the release of 3 Idiots Amir Khan toured seven cities across India to connect to people and create an attention towards the movie. This proved to be very successful strategy and the movie broke all box office records. Today the actors have also understood the importance of marketing of a film. The author has found few gaps in the Indian Film Industry. Digital Movies Development in the digital technology will lead the industry in future. Digital movie assures to raise box office collections by increasing picture resolution, quality of the print and lower distribution costs. There are mixed reaction on the issue of piracy. Initiatives by producers like Bharat Shah and Manmohan Shetty have started initiative to increase digital cinemas. (Bose, 2006) Audiences distinguishing the promotions to be fake All promotion techniques like Coffee with the stars, Invitation to the premiere etc does not attract the audiences as they dont trust the promotional event. They simply think that at given sample of 10000 only 2-3 fans get a chance to meet the stars or invitation. Audiences do notice such events but percentage of participation is very low. Thus by using conventional medium to connect to people a major chunk of the pie rests untouched by the film makers. (Chand, 2011) BTL activities and its effects on films Below the line activities do engage the audiences with the campaign but at the end they fail to attract the audiences at the ticket booths and do not increase the ticket sales. A good here is of the film Aagey Se Right The campaign Win a Gun was woven with the story line of the film where the actor loses his gun in the film. It was launched online where the users could take home a gun by answering a simple question and the help the cop Waghmare, find his lost gun as well. The actor also visited seven cities of India and checked visitors purses and bags as a part of campaign. In spite of the innovativeness and spending on the campaign the film did not earn money to the producers. (Nautiyal, 2009) Competition from International Movies The international market is expected to grow at the pace of 18% annually with estimation at Rs. 7 billion but bollywood shares only 10% of its box office revenues in the international market. (PWC FICCI, 2007) There is a significant gap in the urban and rural demand due to growing middle class. The urban audiences demand Masala + Movies which cannot be met due to shortage of talent. Hence this demand gap is filled by international movies. Hollywood is gaining a reasonable market share with the help of better marketing techniques. Their target audiences are young Indians which amount 50% of the population. (Kukenshoner et al 2008) Surmises The above holes found in the working of Indian film industry surmises to the statement that: Traditional marketing strategies are vieux jeu, and more and more innovative techniques are used to attract the audiences for the Friday. Bollywood and the World Film Industry:Â With the rise of new mediums and change in economic scenario of India more attention is diverted towards bollywood at the same time other film cultures attempting to Bucolize Hollywood. (Desai Dudrah, 2008) Bollywood prides itself with being one of the largest film industries in the world in terms of producing the films. Some around 1090 films compared to 607 in the year 2006. (Jones et al, 2008) The current dominance of Hollywood is largely due to advancements in marketing techniques, innovative, good content and an effective distribution channel. In terms of commercial success Hollywood dominated the world market but other countries were still making culturally important movies. (Jones et al, 2008) France and UK were major competitors of Hollywood. Modern Motion Picture was invented in France. It loses its leading position against Hollywood with the invention of sound in the film. The demand decreased due to the less French speaking people over the globe. Since the creation of television and film, Britain has been thriving due the film as it is a key part and driver of the mix of creative industries. (House of Commons, 2003) The industry experienced a constant brain drain to the Hollywood. (Jones et al, 2008) Chinese film industry although compared to India is small but is very organized. One area bollywood has to work on if want to be successful in the world market is the length of the film. Even the best film has 20-30 minutes more length. If bollywood wants to succeed in the global market the industry will have to invest lot in marketing and distribution of the film. (Pillania, 2008) Nollywood a dark horse of Africa is the new word in the world market at least in India. The world was minted by their inspiring counterparts namely Hollywood and Bollywood. It is one of the fastest and largest growing industries with over 872 films in 2006 (UNESCO, 2006) The African market is dominated by Nollywood. Compared to Hollywood, Bollywood and other film industries the film making style is cost effective as it uses digital cameras instead of film and movies are made in mere a weeks time with the less than 15000 USD. Movies are released directly through DVDs or CDs rather than in Theatres. It does affect the quality of the film; making it difficult to export overseas. Few western directed documentaries have spread some knowledge of Nollywood in the West. A part of the industry is working to improve the current scenario. (Mazzocco, 2011) Tollywood is the combination of wood from Hollywood and Tolly from Telugu language also known as cinema of Andhra Pradesh. In 2008 278 movies were released. Hyderabad is the center of all the work done and studios of Tollywood. (Vikram, 2010) The South Indian film industries produce half of the total number of movies of India. Breakdown of films in different languages of India is shown below: Languages No. of Films Hindi 222 Tamil 151 Telugu 155 Kannada 109 Malayalam 64 Marathi 25 Bengali 49 Assamese 17 English 23 Others 877 (Source: Central Board of Film Certification, 2003) Bollywood has over the years created an synthetic culture that appeals to a specific audience in India while regional cinemas are still rooted to their culture and language. Few regional films have been so popular that they had bypassed Bollywood films at the box office by selling more tickets in their respective states. E.g. A Tamil Super Star Rajikanths Film named Shivaji broke all records of Tamil film industry and at the same time breaking Indias Box office records. Even though the film was played on only 12 screens it was the first non-Bollywood Indian film to make it to UK Top Ten. Bollywood is mistaken as Indian Cinema by many non-Indian commentators and also by some Indians but the fact is something different. The challenge to bollywood is not only from overseas but also from the regional movies. (Stafford, 2008) The Integrated Marketing Framework Understanding Film Marketing Publicity: The strategic importance of publicity of any film is undoubted. It is oxygen for everybody who is connected in the film industry. It keeps you in the attention and guarantees the longevity of your career. An important role is played by both media and non-media public relations. Although here Bollywood lacks good publicist like they have in Hollywood. Publicist have failed to keep with pace of growth by the industry in past years. Publicist are increasingly becoming a necessity as the number of publication seeking coverage are increasing along with the technology which is expand bollywood beyond the borders. (Parimal et al 2009) Public always has an craving for gossips about domestic crisis, romantic linkages with a star or a sensational filmi story. So it always makes a sense for a film-maker to give media some masala news about the plot of the film, release of the music, clarification on controversies, celebration parties or location of the shoots. Film awards also boost chances of the actor/actress to get new films. For e.g. Producer Bimal Roys movie named Bandini was released in 1966. The film was running according to the course and was about to be take off the theatres, when suddenly the movie was nominated for Film fare awards and Presidents Silver Medal. It a new lease of life to the movie and the movie was a hit miraculously. (Bose, 2006) If a movie successfully touches the public emotion it is bound to be a hit. This happened with movies like Gadar and Laagan. These films touched the patriotic sentiment of the common man so got mouth to mouth publicity and enjoyed greater success after the first week of release. It is said that people from villages with trucks full went to the cities to watch these movies. Especially, Gadar. Quality of movie along with good music played an important role in success of these movies. (Pandey, 2010) Partner Brands: Over the years bollywood have successfully partnered with brands like Tag Huer, Rolex, McDonalds, Maybelline, Exide battery, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Hutch, Bournvita, Zandu, Ultratech cement, Nikon and so on. For e.g. In the movie Taare Zameen Par, In the drawing competition the participants were shown using colors of Fevicryl. The same color prints were gifted by the elder brother of the main character Darsheel Safari. (S Roy et al, 2009) Few e.g. of the brands partnering with the films are as under: Film Name Brand Name Om Shanti Om Mukta Arts-Production House, HMV, Exide Battery, Filmfare Awards, Tag Heur Watch, Maybelline Chak de India EXIM Bank, Australian Trade and Commerce, Aaj Tak, McDonalds, Britannia Marie, ESPN, Puma Partner Coco Cola, Marie Claire, Zoom (Media Partner), Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Toyota, ESPN, Boost, Hutch, Sony Vaio, Phuket (Tourism), Starbucks, Mercedes, Kawasaki (Water Boat), Nokia 6600, BPL, DFL, Bournvita, Sony Erickson Mobile, Go air, Nikon, Calvin Klein Namaste London Spykar Jeans, Western Union Money Transfer, Streax, MTV, Kingfisher,,, HP (laptop), Bailey (Packaged Water), Ford (Tractor), Sony Camcorder Source: (Product Placement in Bollywood Movies, pp 56) Content of the movie: Most modern films that are high in style and locations but low in content fail to click at the box office. The movie-goer however motivated is no fool and can see through the content of the movie within the first 15 minutes of the movie. Honesty is the best policy. Honesty to the medium and honesty to the audiences does pay off. Audiences always prefer innovativeness in the content. Five Film on the freedom fighter Bhagat Singh was made in 2001 simultaneously, but only the one with protagonist Ajay Devgan in the lead role was a hit at box office mainly because of its narrative style. There are many such instances in bollywood where narrative styles of the movie have won producers accolades. (Bose, 2006) Star Cast: Making a film is all about team work. It consists of actors, crew members, technicians and artistes who contribute their skills and reputation to create a brand value for the film. These people used to be employees of the production houses hired on monthly fixed salary in late 50s. Time passed and so changed the working of bollywood film industry. With the wipeout of the studio system freelancing became the norm of the industry where stars soon began to call the shots. Their association with the production team and banner determined their success and reputation in the industry. Today the focus shifting towards the stars, camps have come up where Shah Rukh Khan belongs to the Karan Johar Camp. Actresses like Urmila and Antara Mali belongs to Ram Gopal Verma camp etc. They may be lucky talismans or loyalists to their respective camps but together they constitute a winning team that every distributor would like to bet on. The star system of bollywood signifies their value by their impac t on the industry. Lorenzen and Taube (2008) stress that inclusion of stars in the movie play a major role in the success of the typical film of the bollywood at the same time acknowledging that mere inclusion does not guarantee the success of the film at box office. The second largest movie industry of India is Tollywood which also has the same star system. At international level Nollywood the movie industy of Nigeria also has the same star system where the power is hold by the marketers and distributors. In contrast to most European film industries, Nigerian film industry is run on very industrial terms. (Kerrigan, 2010) Timing of the movie to be launched: As such there is no rule that films have to be released on Friday but the general reason behind is Friday is the last day working day giving the audiences to spend rest two days in recreational activities. Watching a movie is one of them. Another reason for timing a movie release is people dont come to theatres if there are exams or festivals or world cup event. Given an example is the current release of the movie Yeh Faasle. The current hysteria of World Cup and Board examinations the film is not having audiences in spite of strong star cast. (Pattni, 2011) Planning Campaign of Film Marketing: Film marketing is nothing but how the filmmakers and marketers position their film in the mind of the audiences in order to increase the consumption of their film. (Kerrigan, 2010) A marketing process must address few factors like PEST, cultural and competition to fit in the market place. The timing of this process is very important; filmmakers have realized its importance. Film marketing is done at three stages namely corporate branding, promotions events and traders and distributors.(Chand, 2011) Planning for a Movie: Film marketing starts at the moment the idea of particular film making is conceived. The target audience is also decided for whom the movie is made for. So effective planning is needed to contain all the section you need to address. More than 50% of all movie theatre tickets are bought by 9% of the population. The films first two weeks does the business of around 78% in the given market place. (Smith, 2011) The two key factors of your film planning are Positioning and Target Market: Positioning: Positioning is how a product appears in relation to other products in the market (Tutor2u, 2011) The whole marketing and communication strategy of the film is depended on the positioning of the film. The film positions itself in the mind of the audience through positioning. A target audience is to be pin-pointed by the marketers to appeal them through positioning elements (Kalra, 2002) For e.g. In Dharmendras Barsaat the film was intended to be the refreshing love story with two new star faces. But no key elements were expressed convincingly in the film. Two star faces were created in the industry but the film didnt do well in the box office. (Chand, 2011) Targeting: Every movie differs from other and so is the genre of the movie. The film cant be a hit unless the film maker knows it target audience. It is important for the film maker to know what the target audience want, what they have rejected in past and their habits. Target audience is defined by age, class, gender etc while elements like movie goers, race, socio-economic status, urban and rural audience are additional. Targeting can be done on the basis of: Age Gender Education Religion Ethnicity Nationality Geography Medium of Marketing: Be interesting, or be invisible. Andy Sernovitz There are so many options for marketing that marketers are confused over it. There are many boulevards for marketing in India. Many marketing tools are used for single film in the industry. Lets look at the most used platforms to attract audiences at the theatres. In the past the marketing campaigns were usually done by billboards designed to fit in magazines, newspapers ads, integrated into television ads and the same in theater trailers. Over the years the style of bollywood has changed so is its campaigning style the conventional marketing through billboards, print ads, TV ads and trailers have changed their approach. In todays scenario film campaigning is more targeted at various online demographics that suits the audiences demands and is more specific. (Miller, 2011) Gupta and Gould (1997) stated product placement as incorporating brands in films in return of money. Regional movies are also at par with Bollywood in product placements. E.g. A Telugu movie named Jalsa had a Coca-C ola brand incorporated in it. (Roy Bhattacharya, 2009) Print Advertisements: In contemporary India advertisements play many roles. Print advertisement are the most used and old techniques to reach the audiences. Full page ads and half page ads in a newspaper like Times of India, Dainik Bhaskar etc were regular norms till date. These ads are now shifting towards internet which has photographs usually taken during the shoots. To make the ad more effective and increase its credibility quotes from critics are added to the advertisements. (Chand, 2011) The Indian print industry is expected to grow at 7.4% over the period of 2009-14 and an estimated of Rs. 230.5 billion in 2014 from the current estimate of Rs. 161.5 billion in 2009. (PWC, 2010) Television Appearances: It was started just as an experiment by Yash Raj but this idea seems to be accepted by all in the industry to promote their respective films. Currently this medium is taken by film makers very seriously. Before it was reality shows on TV and now it is serials. Bollywood has found their new mantra to publicize their upcoming movies. Both big and small TV stars benefit from this new arrangement as this is the be
The Democratic Symbol Essay -- Politics Government Symbolism Essays
The Democratic Symbol The word â€Å"donkey†has come to have a negative connotation in today’s society. In Webster’s Handy College Dictionary, the definition for a donkey is â€Å"an ass†or â€Å"a stupid or obstinate person†. One would presume that with such a meaning, the Democratic Party, one of the main political parties in the United States, would not be associating itself with such a negative symbol. The first use of the â€Å"donkey†as the Democratic symbol occurred during Andrew Jackson’s run for president in 1828. Because of his populist views and the slogan, â€Å"Let the people rule†, his opponents tried to label him as a â€Å"jackass†, but Jackson used the name-calling and turned it into his advantage by placing the donkey on his campaign posters (The Democratic). Since its first application in 1828 the â€Å"donkey†is a symbol that is now clearly associated with the Democratic Party. This association is present because the attributes that complement this symbol are some of the many attributes that characterize and define the Democratic Party. Although the masses might view the â€Å"donkey†as a representation of something stupid, or silly, the Democratic Party, on the other hand, has come to view the â€Å"donkey†as a symbol that stands for intelligence, courage, and humility (The Democratic). One of many important characteristics that define the Democratic Party is its member’s ability to solve issues that affects the party or the nation in an intelligent manner. This ability came into play on October 29, 1929, at the start of the Great Depression (â€Å"New Deal†). The inherent instability of the market brought about the Great Depression in 1929, and to resolve this instability, government intervention was necessary t... ...eal.†Wikipedia. 22 Nov. 2004. . Robinson, Dan. â€Å"108th U.S. Congress Nears End of Its Term.†Voice of America. 22 Nov. 2004, Washington, D.C. 22 Nov. 2004. . Rosembaum, David E. â€Å"As standoff ends, Clinton is seeking the high ground†. New York Times. 21 Nov. 1995, New York, NY: A1. ProQuest. George Mason University, Fenwick Library. 22 Nov. 2004. Stinnett, Ronald F. Democrats, Dinners, & Dollars: A History of the Democratic Party, its Dinners, its Rituals. Ames, IA: The Iowa State University Press, 1967. â€Å"The Democratic Donkey.†DNC: The Democratic National Committee. 14 Nov. 2004. . The President, The Public, and The Parties. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1997: 30.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Effective Punishment in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Scarle
Effective Punishment in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Author of The Scarlet Letter, criticizes that the style of punishment used by the Puritan Religion was radical, inhumane, and cold. He argues that the outcome of their punishments' was damaging to the characters and their personality. However, this accusation is false. The punishments although seemingly inhumane, caused positive outcomes for all three characters Hester Prynne, Pearl Prynne, and Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester Prynne is accused of adultery in a Massachusetts puritan colony in the 1600's. (Hawthorne, 49) Although Hawthorne argues that Hester Prynne was hardened both socially and physically by puritan punishment, the outcome makes her more independent and stronger as a person. She begins to aid the less fortunate, sick, and poor in her community. "so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman's strength." (Hawthorne, 148). The community begins to accept her as a humanitarian, and realize that she is actually a very giving and strong willed person (The Scarlet Letter). Hester begins to think more independ...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers
Abraham Lincoln was a man who was best known for bold standing against the difficult problems of his day. Issues such as slavery, negro social and political rights, and saving the Union in a nation based on the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln had many strength as well as flaws. He considered himself a common man and was not interested in his ancestry. Lincoln was a self educated man, who had never had a full year of schooling in his life. But, the 16th President of the United States became "a casualty of conflict". Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. He was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1816, the Lincoln's moved from Kentucky to across the Ohio River to Indiana. His father left Kentucky "partly on account of slavery; but chiefly on account of the difficulty in land titles in Ky." Early on in life Lincoln had religious reasons for disliking slavery. His family was Separate Baptists who adhered to a strict code of morality that condemned profanity, intoxication, gossip, horse racing, dancing, and slavery. October 5, a little over a year after living in Indiana, Lincoln's mother died of a devastating outbreak of what was called "milk sickness", along with several other relatives. The hardest years of Lincoln's life were yet to follow. After a short time it became apparent that Thomas Lincoln could not cope with his family by himself. Thomas went back to Kentucky to seek a wife. He married Sarah Bush Johnson. They made a businesslike arrangement for her to move to Indiana to take care of his family and for him to pay for her debts. Sarah Lincoln's arrival marked a turning point in Abraham Lincoln's life. Sarah brought her three children of her own into the Lincoln family. The Lincoln children felt that they had joined the world of luxury when Sarah brought knives, forks, spoons, tables and chairs, and comfortable bedding. But most of all she brought the love. Although Sarah was illiterate, she felt that it was important for the children to be educated. Lincoln became adept at writing and reading. And almost from the beginning he a became a leader. These years of Lincoln's childhood were short. He grew up in tough economic times. Out of necessity Abraham was worked very hard on the family farm. He was even hired out to work for other farmers and by law Thomas Linco... ... Sherman's army to storm through and end the war. He did this as the surest way to end the killing and salvage the American dream. Lee surrendered his forces at Appomatox Courthouse on April 10, 1865. Four days later Lincoln was shot by an assassins bullet, while attending a play at the Ford's Theater. John Wilkes Booth, the assassin, enter the president's theater box, and at a distance of about two feet shot Lincoln in the back of the head. Booth escaped by jumping down on to the stage and escaped through the rear of the theater. Twenty-one men carried Lincoln out of the theater to a boarding house down the street. Lincoln never regained consciousness. At 7:22 p.m., April 15, 1865, President Lincoln was pronounced dead. It was not until April 26 that Booth was tracked down to a farm in Virginia, where he was shot. American innocence died with Booth's shot at Ford's Theater. Lincoln would not live to see the peace that he had strived 4 long years for. We will always wonder what Lincoln would have done for this country if he had not died. Instead, we will always ponder what was lost that night at the Ford's Theater, what ended there and what began.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Tfeminist Approach on Jane Eyre
CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING â€Å"Behind every book is a man; behind the man is a race; and behind the race are the natural and social environments whose influence is unconsciously reflected†, this we must know, if the book is to speak its whole message. In simple word, we have now reached at the point where we wish to understand and enjoy literature, and the first step toward it is to know its essential qualities as exact definition is impossible. †-Author Unknown Introduction When we begin the study of literature, we find it has always two aspects, one of the simple enjoyment and appreciation and the other of analysis and exact description. Usually it happens when we go through literature in our classroom either by ourselves or by our teachers one thing matters very much and that is the importance of literature for students? Until our concept is not clear we can never understand what literature is? We need time and understanding to nurture our spirits. In broader sense, perhaps literature means simply written records of the race, including all its history and sciences, as well as its poems and novels, and in narrower sense literature is the artistic record of life and most of our writing excluded from it. A history or a science may be a literature sometimes but only when we forget the subject matter and the presentation of facts in the simple beauty of its expression. So some such experience as this awaits us when we begin the study of literature with its two aspects of simple enjoyment and appreciation and the other if analysis and exact description. Like when a song appeals to the ear or a noble book to the heart we discover a new world for the moment, at least, a completely new world which is very different from our own world and it sees that we are in a place of dreams and magic. Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. †– C. S Lewis, a British scholar and novelist. As stated in the quotation by C. S. Lewis, literature not only describes reality but also adds to it. Yes, literature is not merely a depiction of reality; it is rather a value-addition. Literary works are portrayals of the thinking patterns and social norms prevalent in society. They are a depiction of the different facets of common man's life. Classical literary works serve as a food for thought and a tonic for imagination and creativity. Exposing an individual to good literary works, is equivalent to providing him/her with the finest of educational opportunities. On the other hand, the lack of exposure to classic literary works is equal to depriving an individual from an opportunity to grow as an individual. â€Å"Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips and drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? you think wrong! I have as much soul as you? and full as much heart! It is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if we had both passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal? as we are! †-Charlotte Bronte The above passage is an excerpt from the novel ‘Jane Eyre’. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms. However, there are many different kinds of feminism. Feminists disagree about what sexism consists in, and what exactly ought to be done about it; they disagree about what it means to be a woman or a man and what social and political implications gender has or should have. Nonetheless, motivated by the quest for social justice, feminist inquiry provides a wide range of perspectives on social, cultural, and political phenomena. Important topics for feminist theory and politics include: the body, class and work, disability, the family, globalization, human rights, popular culture, race and racism, reproduction, science, the self, sex work, and sexuality. Some forms of feminist theory question basic assumptions about gender, gender difference, and sexuality, including the category of â€Å"woman†itself as a holistic concept, further some are interested in questioning the male/female binary completely (offering instead a multiplicity of genders). Other forms of feminist theory take for granted the concept of â€Å"woman†and provide specific analyzes and critiques of gender inequality, and most feminist social movements promote women's rights, interests, and issues. Feminism is not a single ideology. Over-time several sub-types of feminist ideology have developed. Early feminists and primary feminist movements are often called the first-wave feminists, and feminists after about 1960 the second-wave feminists. More recently, a new generation of feminists have started third-wave feminism. Whether this will be a lasting evolution remains to be seen as the second-wave has by no means ended nor has it ceded to the third-wave feminists. Moreover, some commentators have asserted that the silent majority of modern feminists have more in common ideologically with the first-wave feminists than the second-wave. For example, many of the ideas arising from Radical feminism and Gender feminism (prominent second-wave movements) have yet to gain traction within the broader community and outside of Gender Studies departments within the academy. For example, Radical feminism argues that there exists an oppressive patriarchy that is the root cause of the most serious social problems. Violence and oppression of women, because they are women, is more fundamental than oppressions related to class, ethnicity, religion, etc. Radical feminists have been very vocal and active in influencing attitudes and state-wide school curriculum standards. Thus, it is not unusual for feminism to be equated with the ideas proposed by Radical feminism. Some find that the prioritization of oppression and the universalization of the idea of â€Å"Woman,†which was part of traditional Radical feminist thinking, too generic, and that woman in other countries would never experience the same experience of being â€Å"woman†than women in Western countries did. Some radical feminists advocate separatismâ€â€a complete separation of male and female in society and cultureâ€â€while others question not only the relationship between men and women, but the very meaning of â€Å"man†and â€Å"woman†as well. Some argue that gender roles, gender identity, and sexuality are themselves social constructs Other feminists believe that there may be social problems separate from or prior to patriarchy; they see feminism as one movement of liberation among many, each affecting the others. In this section, we will explore some of the main schools of feminist thought. In addition, feminist literary theory is a complex, dynamic area of study that draws from a wide range of critical theories, including psychoanalysis, Marxism, cultural materialism, anthropology, and structuralism. Feminism brings many things to philosophy including not only a variety of particular moral and political claims, but ways of asking and answering questions, constructive and critical dialogue with mainstream philosophical views and methods, and new topics of inquiry. Feminist philosophers work within all the major traditions of philosophical scholarship including analytic philosophy, American Pragmatist philosophy, and Continential philosophy. Entries in the Encyclopedia appearing under the heading â€Å"feminism, approaches†discuss the impact of these traditions on feminist scholarship and examine the possibility and desirability of work that makes links between two traditions. Feminist contributions to and interventions in mainstream philosophical debates are covered in entries in this encyclopedia under â€Å"feminism, interventions†. Entries covered under the rubric â€Å"feminism, topics†concern philosophical issues that arise as feminists articulate accounts of sexism, critique sexist social and cultural practices, and develop alternative visions of a just world. In short, they are philosophical topics that arise within feminism. Although there are many different and sometimes conflicting approaches to feminist philosophy, it is instructive to begin by asking what, if anything, feminists as a group are committed to. Considering some of the controversies over what feminism is provides a springboard for seeing how feminist commitments generate a host of philosophical topics, especially as those commitments confront the world as we know it. The term ‘feminism’ has many different uses and its meanings are often contested. For example, some writers use the term ‘feminism’ to refer to a historically specific political movement in the US and Europe; other writers use it to refer to the belief that there are injustices against women, though there is no consensus on the exact list of these injustices. Although the term â€Å"feminism†has a history in English linked with women's activism from the late 19th century to the present, it is useful to distinguish feminist ideas or beliefs from feminist political movements, for even in periods where there has been no significant political activism around women's subordination, individuals have been concerned with and theorized about justice for women. So, for example, it makes sense to ask whether Plato was a feminist, given his view that women should be trained to rule (Republic, Book V), even though he was an exception in his historical context. Although feminist literary theory is often described simply as the use of feminist principles and techniques to analyze the textual constructions of gendered meaning, feminists' definitions of gender and of feminism have undergone a number of significant alterations since the early 1970s. By adopting already existing feminist insights and applying them in new ways, literary theorists transform them, thus creating an increasingly diversified field of study. The researchers prefer to conduct this study because of their personal choice and interest. They selected this kind of tudy due to the fact that it seems to prove of real value to them. Definitely this subject of study is the thing that they always wanted to learn more about. Since the researchers are all feminine this chosen study allows them to find out why most of the women have played a subordinate role to men in human societies. Also, to discover how women’s lives have change throughout history and to understand why wom en’s experience is different from men’s. Conceptual and Theorethical Framework It is through reading such great literary and poetic works, that one understands life. They help a person take a closer look at the different facets of life. In many ways, it can change one's perspective towards life. Lives of brilliant achievers and individuals who have made a valuable contribution to society, are sketched in their biographies. These works give the readers an insight into the lives of these eminent people, while also serving as a bible of ideals. True, languages are the building blocks of literature. But the study of literature cannot be restricted to only studying languages. In fact, literature cannot be confined to an educational curriculum. A degree in language and literature is perhaps unable to provide one, with everything that literature can offer. Literature, is definitely, much more than its literary meaning, which defines it as ‘an acquaintance to letters'. It, in fact, lays the foundation of an enriched life; it adds ‘life' to ‘living'. According to Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Mary Wollstonecraft’s ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)’ â€Å"presents the first fully elaborated feminist criticism of misogynist images of women in literature, as well as the fist sustain agument for female political, economic and legal equality. Wollstonecraft’s critique of the disparity between the types of obedience to God expected on Adam and Eve in John Milton’s â€Å"Paradise Lost†is a prime example of this. She says, â€Å"Men appear to me to act in a very unphilosophical manner when they try to secue thr good conduct of women by attempting to keep them always in a state of childhood,†an observation that she uses to support her claim that men are not, as was the prevailing notion during her era, inherently more reasonable? and therefore better suited to philosophy and the creation of art? than women. In A Room of One’s Own [Shakespeare’s Sister] (1929), Virginia Woolf highlights the gap between the broad range of women depicted in English literature â€Å"from about 1470†to the renaissance ( 1377 ) and the lack of women creating English literature. She says, â€Å"if women has no existence save in the fiction written by men, one would imagine her a person of the utmost importance; very various; heroic and mean; splendid and sordid; infinitely beautiful and hideous in the extreme; as great as man; some think even better. But this is woman in fiction†(1378). Woolf explain that this is because although â€Å"some of the most profound thoughts in literature fall from her lips; in real life she could hardly read, could scarcely spell, and was the property of her husband†(1379). She then constructs a fictional sister, Judith, for William Shakespeare and speculates on the ways in which the Bard’s equally talented sister might come to an unfortunate end (1380-1381) in order to illustrate that the absence of women writers in the literary canon is symptomatic of a lack of opportunities and education for women, not a lack of talent in women. These two issues- misogynist representations of women in literature and the obstacle faced by female authors (which lead to the recovery of texts by female authors )? have continued to be important touchstones of feminist literary theory and criticism. Feminist studies as an academic field arose from the second? wave feminist movement in the 1960, and often came into conflict with New Criticism, which was the period’s primary mode of literary analysis (Messer-Davidow 304). Social phenomena Images of Women Education Culture and Beliefs The Roles and Images of Women in the Society Research Paradigm Figure 1. Statement of the Problem This study focused on the roles and images of women in the society as presented in the novel â€Å"Jane Eyre†. It sought to answer the following problems: 1. How did the following factors contribute in shaping the image of the female character in the story: a. Social phenomena b. Culture and beliefs c. Education 2. What traits of the female character are depicted in the story? 3. How does this traits affected the other characters in the story? 4. What is the implications of the roles of the characters to the following factors: a. Family b. Modern women c. Racism Research Methodology The researcher use the descriptive method of research, which describes and interprets what is. It is concerned with conditions of relationships that exist; practices that prevail; beliefs, processes that are going on; effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing. According to Leedy, this is a method that simply looks with intense accuracy the phenomena of the moment and describes precisely what the researcher sees. The researcher apply the descriptive method of research particularly in literary criticism, which deals with different dimensions of literature as a collection of texts through which authors evoke more or less fictitious worlds for the imagination of readers. The researcher make use of the descriptive research in literary criticism along with the feminism approach, is an approach about ideas or beliefs from feminist point of view and women's subordination, individuals have been concerned with and theorized about justice for women. Significance of the Study Literature not only pleases us but instructs us also. The authors who attain to the eminence of the classics are those who exercise their imagination on the serious problems of life and explain or elucidate them through fiction. Such are the problem of the good and evil in life, love, duty, beauty, truth, etc. the reader too in the course in his life comes to grips with one or the other of these problems. She is baffled and perhaps would give up but for the guidance from the classics. They give her not a tangible solution but the heroic temper that enables her to pass through the ordeal and survive brutal shocks. Our tragedies show us how to preserve the emotional balance which is the sign of a healthy woman. In this respect biographies and authobiograpies are most useful. If we fail to find a kindred soul in actual life we can find any number of them amongst the dead. Literatures thus widen our contact and we enjoy life more abundantly. Literature provides a common platform for discussion and exchange of thoughts and social or political reforms through exposition those writings with the purpose have played their part in the eradication of a number of ills to which we are heirs. Literature does not openly preach like the man in the pulpit. Literature elevates our minds, and ennobles our character. It is a criticism of life and its high seriousness servers to mould our minds. From the pettiness of life we pass over to the natural beauties or the domain of fundamental emotions mirrored in the lyrics, the pure and spontaneous forms of literature. Our goal here is not to survey the history of feminism  as a set of ideas or as a series of political movements  but rather is to sketch some of the central uses of the term that are most relevant to those interested in contemporary feminist philosophy. The references we provide below are only a small sample of the work available on the topics in question; more complete bibliographies are available at the specific topical entries and also at the end of this entry. Very broadly, then, one might characterize the goal of feminism to be ending the oppression of women. But if we also acknowledge that women are oppressed not just by sexism, but in many ways, e. g. , by classism, homophobia, racism, ageism, ableism, etc. , then it might seem that the goal of feminism is to end all oppression that affects women. Moreover this study was conducted to provides a wide range of perspectives on social cultural, education and political phenomena highlighting the issues about feminism. Likewise, the aim of this study is to discuss the impact of these traditions on feminist scholarship and examine the possibility and desirability of work that makes links among the different aspects of life of a woman. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The emergence of feminist literary criticism is one of the major developments in literary studies in the past thirty years or so. This article attempts to give an overall view of feminist literary criticism, its discovery of early women novelists and feminist readings. Since feminist literary criticism has re-discovered the forgotten texts, from the 17th century onwards, written by women whose contribution to the emergence of the novel genre is undeniable, and included them in the critical evaluations, it is quite important to present them both in a historical and literary perspective. Thus the first part of this article is largely devoted to the literary achievements of these early women writers. The second part of the article mainly concentrates on the most recent phase of feminist criticism by trying to offer a theoretical perspective so that the reader is provided with a broad view of its developments. It would, however, be an incomplete discussion of feminist literary perspectives if feminist readings were excluded from the argument. Therefore the third part of the article deals with feminist readings of texts, showing their crucial differences from the male readings. The major strategy in this part is to point to a comprehensive perspective by using the deconstructive critical approach. In fact, throughout this article the deconstructive approach plays an important role, not only in arguing how the dominant discourses are challenged and disrupted, but also in demonstrating that there can be no universal and privileged meanings and values in literary traditions. Instead, there are only multiple meanings. To exemplify this view, the article concludes with a deconstructive reading of a postmodern text. This study focused on the novel entitled ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte. In the century and a half since Jane Eyre was first published it has been cast as everything from a garden variety romance to a feminist tract. Jane Eyre is a tremendously romantic book, and Jane’s love story is absolutely central to the tale. In the best sense it is a book about survival, about a girl with nothing but her wits, her determination, her powerful sense of justice and honor, who survives and even finds happiness. The choice of stories is dependent upon the following points: 1. ) a novel that reflect aspects of feminism; 2. ) it was written by female writer; 3. ) it was written in English; 4. ) it has an interpretation of issues concerning feminist theory and approach. Definition of Terms To provide a clearer and better understanding of the present discussion, the following terms were defined conceptually and operationally: Literature- written works with artistic value written works such as fiction, poetry, drama, and criticism that are recognized as having important or permanent artistic value. Feminism- belief in women’s rights: belief in the need to secure, or a commitment to securing, rights and opportunities for women equal to those of men. Racism- belief in racial superiority: the belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or inferior. Culture- people with shared beliefs and practices: a group of people whose shared beliefs and practices identify the particular place, class, or time to which they belong. Beliefs- acceptance of truth of something, acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty. | | Misogynist-hatred of women, the hatred of women as sexually defined group. Sexism- sex discrimination, discrimination against women or men because of their sex. Classisism-discrimination because of class, discrimination or prejudice based on social or economic class. Perspective- particular evaluation of something, a particular evaluation of a situation or facts, especially from one person’s point of view. Holistic-relating to a whole, including or involving all of something, especially all, of somebody’s physical, mental, and social conditions, not just physical symptoms in the treatment of illness. Ideology- system of social beliefs, a closely organized system of beliefs, values and ideas forming the basis of a social,
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