Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Aristotles Views on Citizenship Essay - 1207 Words
Aristotles Views on Citizenship For Aristotle the human is by nature destined to live in a political association. Yet not all who live in the political association are citizens, and not all citizens are given equal share in the power of association. The idea of Polity is that all citizens should take short turns at ruling (VII, 1332 b17-27). It is an inclusive form of government: everyone has a share of political power. Aristotle argues that citizen are those who are able to participate in the deliberative and judicial areas of government (III, 1279a32-34). However, not all who live in a political association are citizens. Women, children, slaves, and alien residents are not citizens. Some groups; the rich, the poor, those who†¦show more content†¦A political animal means an animal whose nature is to live in a Polis or city, not isolated or in small groups. Civilization is the natural state for the human animal. It is the natural state not in the sense that it is the original state, but in the sense that t he natural goal of human development is life in cities. Aristotle recognizes that There is a natural distinction, [†¦] between what is female and what is servile (I, 1252 b1-2). However, they are normally subordinate to men: †¦the relation of male to female is that of natural superior to natural inferior, and that of ruler to ruled (I, 1254 b13-15). Women and children are ruled, not as slaves for the masters benefit, but for their own good, just as the rulers of a city must seek the good of the citizens, not the good of the rulers. The rule of husband over wife is a constitutional government. The rule of father over children is royal government. For a man rules his wife and children both as free people, but not in the same way: instead, he rules his wife the way a state man does, and his children the way a king does. For a male, unless he is somehow constituted contrary to nature, is naturally more fitted to rule then a female and someone older and completely developed is naturally more fitted to lead then some one younger and incompletely developed (I, 1259a 39-1259b 4). The relation of husband toShow MoreRelatedCitizenship The Perspectives Of Political Theorists Aristotle And Hanna Pitkin1484 Words  | 6 PagesTo tackle the term citizenship the perspectives of political theorists Aristotle and Hanna Pitkin come in handy in conceptualizing the term. Such honorable theorists have unique and yet intriguing views of citizenship, types of citizenship and the roles they play in societies. Although both theorists have different views and perspectives, they seem to come to similar conclusion when dissecting the difference between citizenship doing action and citizenship in the form of membership. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Googles Organizational Culture and Success
Googles Organizational Culture and Success In his book Organizational Culture and Leadership, Schein defines the culture as: â€Å"The climate and practices that organizations develop around their handling of people, or to the espoused values and credo of an organization†. We can analyze Google’s organizational culture thought Ouchi’s framework. Ouchi studied three different company’s culture and saw that the differences between those explained a part of the company’s success. Depending on his theory it seems that Google Inc. is the type Z US firms. Cultural characteristics Type J (Japonese model) Type A (typical American model Type Z (credited American model) Commitment to employees Life contract Short term contract Long term†¦show more content†¦There aren’t any managerial hierarchies or management structure, which gives the employees complete freedom. Even thought employees can make their own decision if something is wrong on a product to rectify it decisions are usually occurring in groups and based on the principles of full information sharing. Plus, the concern for people goes beyond the individual at work and extends to the individual’s interests, hobbies, beliefs etc.. We can see that especially during lunch at the cafeteria. Nevertheless Google emphasis the team work goals over the personal ones. Ouchi argues that the culture of the Type Z firms helps those to outperform typical American firms. The main reason it that firms like Google systematically invests in their people and operations over the long run and so obtain steady and significant improvements in the long-term performance! We can also analyse the organizational culture and define it as an organic structure. This type of structure is characterized by flexibility, empowerment and teamwork. It emphases on the fact that workers are emotional beings. This structure defines well Google’s organization as it is non-hierarchical and cross-functional: there aren’t any barriers between the different departments. People are encouraged to get involved in other activities then their own. Also the top management leaves their office door open in order for workers to feel free to come and talk directly.Show MoreRelatedGoogle s Organizational Structure And Organizational Culture1564 Words  | 7 PagesOrganization Structure Organizational structure is the framework around the different groups which is organized. It is like a manual that tells your organization and the customers how the organization operates and what is obtained in order to keep the business moving towards success. Structure gives the customers a clear guideline on how to proceed and binds them together. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Ocean Eyes by Owl City free essay sample
The sounds that Adam Young has put together to compose his new album, â€Å"Ocean Eyes†, leave jaws dropping. This new artist has become a hit with his slow tuned songs that make great songs to relax to. â€Å"Fireflies†is a song that describes his love (obsession?) with lightning bugs. It makes you feel fuzzy inside just listening to it over again. The lyrics are very basic and easy to learn. One line in the song reads â€Å"Id like to make myself believe that planet Earth turns slowly. Its hard to say that Id rather stay awake when Im asleep, cause everything is never as it seems.†That line, while it may not appear to have much meaning, has more than the surface portrays. I comprehend this part in the song to mean something about how he doesn’t want to be alone. Another very popular song, â€Å"Vanilla Twilight†, is a love song. We will write a custom essay sample on Ocean Eyes by Owl City or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Yes, another one. One reason I like Owl City is that he doesn’t have many love songs in his back pocket. This song, while it may be a love song, is quite moving. He sings about how the girl in the song makes him feel whole, and without her, he feels as though part of him is missing. I find I can relate to this song well, though not about a lover, but about my best friend. Owl City is the new age of electronica music for people of any age. It’s spunky, new, and a great listen. Owl City is definitely the next addition to your iPod or MP3 Player.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The question has been raised as to whether or not Odysseus, the hero of Homers The Odyssey, is an epic hero Essay Example For Students
The question has been raised as to whether or not Odysseus, the hero of Homers The Odyssey, is an epic hero Essay The question has been raised as to whether or not Odysseus, the hero of Homers The Odyssey, is an epic hero. An epic Hero portrays many classic properties, including being very strong and courageous. Odysseus is an epic hero, because he portrays many of these and other traits, such as having a goal that is foremost in his mind, and having descended into the underworld. An epic hero is almost overwhelmed with difficulty, often beyond that which a normal man could withstand. Not only is he confronted occasionally by danger or hopelessness; it is the entire premise of the poem. Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy Fagles 77. This it the first line of the whole poem, summing up what is going to happen as the speaker prays to the Muses, goddesses of stories. There is in fact, no other person, fictional or otherwise, in all of history, ever so besieged with difficulty, as Odysseus. We will write a custom essay on The question has been raised as to whether or not Odysseus, the hero of Homers The Odyssey, is an epic hero specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Women and goddesses often tempt epic heroes, and Odysseus is tempted too. The goddess Circe is one of the many people who tempt him, Come, sheath your sword, lets go to bed together, mount my bed and mix in the magic work of love-well breed deep trust between us Fagles 240. Though Odysseus does bed with her, he never loses sight of his hope of coming home to his wife, Penelope. A female character always aids an epic hero, and Odysseus is no exception. Near the end of his travels, Athena feels sorry for him and decides to assist him and let him go home, and once he arrives, she helps him kill the suitors that plague his house. That left the great Odysseus waiting in his hall as Athena helped him plot the slaughter of the suitors Fagles 390. Not only is this assistance by a woman, and a sure sign of an epic hero, but also a goddess assists him, and only those worthy enough can be helped by the Immortal. Odysseus is also aided and told how to get home by the Goddess Circe. You must travel down to the House Of The Dead and the awesome one, Persephone, there to consult the ghost of Tiresias, seer of Thebes Fagles 245. This is the same person who tried to tempt him, but she realizes he wont stay and decides to help him instead. The only question that can be raised about whether Odysseus is an epic hero is that he does not have a mysterious lineage. However, even though this is the case, he is mysterious, rarely letting anyone know what he is thinking or doing. I alone was to hear the voices, so she said Fagles 276. This is not true, he claims that he needs to hear in order to know when to take out the beeswax in his mens ears, but really it is simply because he wants to hear it, but of course, that is not very heroic. So He will lie in order to appear braver and stronger, emphasizing yet again that he is a hero, because a hero is not modest and will try to prove how daring and valiant he is. Odysseus also comes close to death on Calypsos island, when all his men are dead, and his boat has sunk. The queen nymph sought out the great Odysseusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and found him there on the headlands, sitting, still, weeping, his eyes never dry Fagles 157. However when he learns that he can get home, he springs to life, and is reborn, a better man. Odysseus is an epic hero, no doubt about it. Hes almost overwhelmed with difficulty, Women and goddesses often tempt him, he is aided by a female, he is mysterious, and he dies and is reborn, figuratively. There is no question that Odysseus is an epic hero, the only question, is how stubborn you are.
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