Sunday, January 26, 2020
Elements of Literature
Elements of Literature Style is the spoken characteristics of a writer, as unique as his or her face or voice. Their styles express their individual ways of seeing humanity. Style is an insignia of independence and distinguishes a good writer from a meager or average writer. This is just one of the elements of literature. There are many elements of literature. When we read or hear poetry, we hear a speakers voice. It is this tone of voice that conveys the poems tone, its indirect mind-set toward its focus. Tone is a concept we make from fine points of a poems language: the use of meter and rhyme (or need of them); the addition of certain kinds of fine points and exclusions of other kinds; exacting choices of words and sentence pattern, of images and symbolic language. When we listen to a poems language and hear the voice of its speaker, we grasp its tone and feeling and eventually its meaning. Poetry is the impulsive runoff of potent feelings: it takes its foundation from emotion recollected in silence: the emotion is a contemplated turn over, by a type of response, the silence steadily disappears, and an emotion, relatives to that which was before the topic of thought, is steadily formed, and does itself in reality be present in the mind. In reading any poetry, it is essential to know what the words mean, but likewise imperative to understand what the words involve or propose. Poets choose exacting words because they advocate what they want to advocate. Its appropriateness is a function of both its denotation and its connotation. Poetry is stuck in the solid and the precise in details that arouse our senses for it is through our senses that we see the world. When such details become visible in poetry, they are called images. An image is a solid symbol of a sense notion, reaction, or thought. Language can be classified as both literal and not literal. When we speak factually, we mean precisely what each word conveys; when we use metaphorical language we mean something other than the real meaning of the words. Figures of speech are language or ways of using words in a non-literal logic. They consist of hyperbole; irony; or use a part to indicate the whole; or substituting an aspect of an object for the object itself; endowing inert objects or conceptual concepts with living distinctiveness or persona. Two that are above all essential for poetry are simile or metaphor. The feeling of both these figures is assessment, which is the building of relations between normally not related things. Metaphor is an insightful view of the resemblance in dissimilar. Simile establishes the similarity clearly with the words like or as. Metaphor, then again, employs no such clear spoken clue. The comparison is indirect in such a way that the symbolic term is substituted for or recognized with the exact one. The simile is more limited in its relative implication than is the metaphor. A symbol is an item or act that represents something further than itself. Correlated to symbolism, allegory, is a type of sequence of events in which people, places and happenings have unknown or representational meaning. Allegory differs from symbolism in establishing a firm system of correspondences linking facts of action and a guide of meaning. Syntax is the display of words in sentences, phrases, or clauses. Poets use syntax as they use images, pronunciation, formation, noise, and tempo to say meaning and suggest feelings. It is an essential component of its tone and a lead to the speakers emotional state. Rhyme is the nearly all recognizable aspect of poetry. It is clear as the corresponding of concluding vowel or consonant sounds in two or more words. When corresponding sounds take place at the ends of lines we have ending rhyme; when they take place inside lines we have inner rhyme. In addition to rhyme, two other forms of sound take part in reign in poetry: alliteration, which is the recurrence of consonant sounds, particularly at the beginning of words, and assonance, which is the recurrence of vowel sounds. Rhythm refers to the standard repetition of the tone of voice or anxiety in poems or songs. It is the pulsation or thrash we feel in a saying of music or a line of poetry. We obtain our logic of tempo from day by day life and from our knowledge with language and music. Meter is the review or ornate reckoning of a poetic line. Meter is a reckoning of the stresses we experience in the poems rhythm. By principle, the component of poetic meter in English is the base, a component of assess consisting of strained and undisturbed syllables. When we explore a poems structure, we center on its patterns of association. Form exists in poems on various levels from patterns of noise and picture to structures of syntax and of thinking; it is as a great deal an issue of phrase and line as of verse and entire poem. Open or free form does not mean fluidity. It suggests, as an alternative, that poets get the most out of on the free will either to make their own forms or to use the conventional fixed forms in more supple ways. Structure regularly provides clues to disposition and achievement. We have in the past defined theme as an inspiration or emotionally apprehensible meaning natural and understood in an effort. When shaping a poems theme we should be cautious neither to generalize the poem nor to misrepresent its meaning. We should also be on familiar terms with the fact that poems can have several themes: poems can be interpreted from more than one point of view and there is more than one way to affirm or clarify a poems meaning. The essential idea of the poem is articulated in its opening line. An announcement of the poems theme has to contain the idea of it. In doing all of my readings for the past few weeks, I have come to realize that a lot of the stories and poems share some of the same themes. For instance, the poem To my Dear and Loving Husband, by: Anne Bradstreet, p.1077 in the text, My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, by: William Shakespeare, p.1187 in the text, and My Papas Waltz, by: Theodore Roethke, p.773 in the text, all have the theme of love. To My Dear and Loving Husband, is the story of a womans unconditional love and honor of her husband. She states in the poem, I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold or all the riches that the East doth hold. My Mistress eyes are nothing like the sun, is the story of a mans love for his mistress. He states in the poem, And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare as any she belied with false compare. My Papas Waltz, is the story of a young man growing up with an alcoholic father. The young man loves his father, but the father loves his alcohol more and the young man is try ing to get the love from his father. I have come to realize that literature reflects community, and persons and the people affect each other. Literature reflects communities by situation of time, culture, settings, attitude, and values at the time. Literature uses language to indicate what it feels like to live during particular surroundings. Literature also helps to create knowledge, not just imitate it. Cultural approaching can be used to give an affluent and enlightening historical context for fictitious work. It uses papers, expressions, and images of the area to assist the reader with a sense of the community described in the story. In the story The Lesson, by Toni Bambara, it uses language to indicate circumstances, culture, and community. The author used language spoken by some African-American citizens in the southern communities to assist readers with what culture and race the citizens are. On page 427, the words nappy hair was used, then on pages 428-429, purdee hot, and punchin were used, and that gives readers a good idea of what race and culture the citizens were. In The Lesson, the story also alerts you on the requirement of education and the consequences of having an education. It illustrates how an education may not be fun or easy to achieve, but it is essential for a constructive change to come about. The story looks at types of self-importance, direction, and ways people can value or disrepute each one in a community. An additional example of a short story that demonstrates how literature reflects the community is A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. Faulkner uses A Rose for Emily to concentrate on theme of alteration and improvement, as it relates to the American South. He was stimulated to write about this because he came from a family that some time ago owned an agricultural estate and he had family narration in the South. Literatures sometimes use people as symbols. An example of how Faulkner used his characters as symbols of the larger issues in the South is in the character of Homer Barron. Homer Barron is the Yankee production foreman who became Emilys first real boyfriend. His association with Emily is well thought-out to be disreputable because he is a Northerner and because it doesnt show as if they will ever be married. An added example is by some of the old men wearing brushed rival uniforms at Emilys funeral which gives the reader an additional clue about the moment in time, values, and setting in the story. In wrapping up, I have specified examples to intricate the various elements of literature and expressed insight of the way literature reflects communities, cultures, individuals, and society in every day life.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The message therefore contains two destination addresses: * Address of the final destination * Address of the node which is the next â€Å"hop†The way these addresses are used in message propagation depends on the network topology, as follows:Star Topology All messages are routed via the Co-ordination. Both addresses are needed and the â€Å"next hop†address is that of the Co-ordination. Tree Topology A message is routed up the tree until it reaches a node that can route it back down the tree to the destination node.Both addresses are needed and the initial â€Å"next hop†address is hat of the parent of the sending node. The parent node then resends the message to the next relevant node – if this is the target node itself, the â€Å"final destination†address is used. The last step is then repeated and message propagation continues in this way until the target node is reached. Mesh Topology In this case, the propagation path depends on whether th e target node is in range: * If the target node is in range, only the â€Å"final destination†address is used. If the target node is not in range, the initial â€Å"next hop†address is that of the first node in the route to the IANAL destination. The message propagation continues in this way until the target node is reached. I I Application programs in intermediate nodes are not aware of the relayed message or its contents – the relaying mechanism is handled by the Gibe stack. I I The message propagation methods for the different topologies are illustrated by the animations below. Star Topology Tree Topologies Topology I Click â€Å"Next Page†to continue.I Previous Page | 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I Negotiate o connecting 1 Route Discovery The Gibe stack network layer supports a â€Å"route discovery' facility in which a mesh outwork can be requested to find the best available route to the destination, when sending a message. Route discovery is initiated wh en requested by a data transmission request. Route Discovery Options There are three options related to route discovery for a mesh network (the required option being indicated in the message): SUPPRESS route discovery: The message is routed along the tree.ENABLE route discovery: The message is routed along an already discovered mesh route, if one exists, otherwise the Router initiates a route discovery. Once this is complete, the message will be sent along the calculated route. If the Router does not have the capacity to store the new route, it will direct the message along the tree. FORCE route discovery: If the Router has the route capacity, it will initiate a route discovery, even if a known route already exists. Once this is complete, the message will be sent along the calculated route.If the Router does not have the route capacity, it will route the message along the tree. Use of this option should be restricted, as it generates a lot of network traffic. Route Discovery Mechani sm The mechanism for route discovery between two End Devices involves the following . A route discovery broadcast is sent by the parent Router of the source End steps: Device. This broadcast contains the network address of the destination End Device. 2. All Routers eventually receive the broadcast, one of which is the parent of the destination End Device. 3.The parent Router of the destination node sends back a reply addressed to the parent Router of the source. 4. As the reply travels back through the network, the hop count and a signal quality measure for each hop are recorded. Each Router in the path can build a routing table entry containing the best tat to the destination End Device. 5. Eventually, each Router in the path will have a routing table entry and the route from source to destination End Device is established. Note that the corresponding route from destination to source is not known – the route discovered is unidirectional.I The choice of best path is usually t he one with the least number of hops, although if a hop on the most direct route has a poor signal quality (and hence a greater chance that retries will be needed), a route with more hops may be chosen. Device and Service Discovery The Gibe specification provides the facility for devices to find out information about other nodes in a network, such as their addresses, which types of applications are running on them, their power source and sleep behavior.This information is stored in descriptors on each node, and is used by the enquiring node to tailor its behavior to the requirements of the network. Discovery is typically used when a node is being introduced into a user-configured network, such as a domestic security or lighting control system. Once the device has Joined the network, its integration into the outwork may require the user to start the integration process by pressing a button or similar. The first task is to find out if there are any other devices that it can talk to.Fo r example, a device implementing the switch conforming to the HOC profile tries to find devices containing HOC load controllers to which it could potentially send its switch state information (the process of associating the switch with a particular load controller is handled by the binding process, presented earlier in this course). There are two types of discovery, Device and Service Discovery: Device Discovery Device Discovery involves interrogating a remote node for address information.The retrieved information can be either: * the MAC (IEEE) address of the node with a given network address * the network address of the node with a given MAC address. If the node being interrogated is a Router or Co-ordination, it may optionally supply the addresses of all the devices that are associated with it, as well as its own address. In this way, it is possible to discover all the devices in a network by requesting this information from the Co-ordination and then using the list of addresses corresponding to the children of the Co-ordination to launch queries about their child nodes.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Psychological Analysis of Fight Club Essay
Fight Club is a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk which was eventually made into a movie. The novel is different from usual stories in so many ways because it’s first and foremost, geared into the lives of young men. There have been a lot of books that revolved around the stories of young women that is why, I believe, Chuck Palahniuk was hugely successful in writing this novel. It’s focused on a life a man, the Narrator, whose name was never blatantly revealed but as the story progressed implies that his name was Jack. He symbolizes an ordinary working class man who, like everyone else, is looking for fulfillment in his life however he tries to accomplish this in odd ways. Jack is noticeably a disturbed person who is suffering from insomnia. The first obsession we would notice is his unusual collection: furniture. It’s soon begins to become a little bit more strange when he starts attending random group therapy sessions on medical concerns which he doesn’t even have. Attending these support groups has helped sleep at night but still he ends up crying to relieve stress from his dull, ordinary life. Eventually, when he still felt unfulfilled, he moves on to creating his underground â€Å"Fight Club†with a certain Tyler Durden. He then becomes more and more absurd, his obsessions become unhealthy. By the end of the movie, we learn that Jack suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder and that Tyler is actually his alter ego. Upon watching the film for the first time the revelation at the end would come off as a shocker but once you really analyze it, the juxtaposition of the events leading up to the ending and the probable reality is not very far. He shares his obsession with furniture collections with common homeowners today. People usually find comfort in having a properly furnished home; they feel a sense of accomplishment and think that it’s a reflection of their successes work-wise. Even with this, though, Jack still felt void and that his life is still meaningless. He starts going to a support therapy group as advised by his doctor. He does this to find acceptance and love from other people, which is also a common desire of human beings. Although he doesn’t really have that certain condition he’s attending support groups for, it was deemed successful until he met Marla Singer who, like typical ovies where girls tend to â€Å"ruin everything†, seems to have flushed all his efforts down the drain. Marla turns out to be, like Jack, a faker. She started attending the support groups like Jack does which eventually turned into a reflection of what he’s been doing. Moreover, he then turns to like her, to make things worse. Jack then finds himself immensely unhappy so out of his frustration he tries to come up of a resolution, hence, Tyler and Fight Club. Tyler is introduced as someone Jack meets on a plane ride; Tyler eventually becomes a huge influence in his life, who then becomes his co-founder of Fight Club. The first fight was between Jack and Tyler, which is in fact just Jack against himself. Other men begins to join their club, their members are mostly the ones that grew up without their fathers. Throughout the movie Fight Club soon escaladed into Project Mayhem where they blow up buildings owned by major credit card companies and setting everyone’s debt back to zero. When Jack realizes what he’s doing, he finds that Tyler is actually him and tries to commit suicide by putting a gun in his mouth. He still lives, but Tyler was gone. He wakes up in a mental hospital and the movie ends with the fight club members still trying to pursue the initial plan, stating that Tyler will be back. Fight Club is a fictitious story and also very far from reality but there were a lot of psychological truths presented, such as gender identity, Freud’s Id, Ego and Superego; and Maslow’s idea of self-actualization. These components make this movie absolutely interesting to watch and it leaves you with so much more to think about afterwards.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay Music and Morality - 1472 Words
Music and Morality Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man, and make gentle the life of this world. This famous Robert Kennedy quote reminds us of how influential our predecessors were to us in many different facets, including music. Throughout history, we see how dearly important music and the morality of music were for many societies. As early as 400 B.C.E, during the time of philosophers like Socrates and Plato, music (although much different from what it is today) greatly influenced the mores of society. In the earliest times it was deemed inappropriate and unlawful for music to have an inhibitory affect on the mores of society. As history unfolds itself however, we†¦show more content†¦The thing that is particularly ironic about this part of the Socratic Dialogue is that there was a Daedalus statue (one made of wood) nearby the king-archons court where this conversation is happening. Daedalus statues, according to Greek my thology, have the ability to move themselves when something magical or beautiful happens (Plato 13). It was at this point in the dialogue that the Daedalus tree was moved with beauty, the beauty stemming from Socrates melodic responses to Euthyphros questioning. It was almost rather musical and rhyming; so musical that the wooden statue was moved. This is probably one of the earliest accounts of music and its dynamic impact on society; a wooden statue was moved emotionally and physically (as almost in dance) to the sound of Socrates melodic responses. The Greek term hosion means the knowledge of the proper ritual in prayer and sacrifice, and its performance (Plato 5). Socrates was ultimately accused of lack of hosion. He was under indictment by king Meletus for corrupting the youth of the city and not believing in the same gods whom the people of the city believed in. This indictment stemmed from Socrates constant search for an answer. No definition ever satisfied Socrates. And this constant search for a definition ultimately resulted in Socrates exile and death. His sometimes musical ways in his constant search for an answer were sometimes so moving, butShow MoreRelatedHumanities And Discuss The Role Of Role1468 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosophy, literature, religion, art and music. The knowledge of recording these human experiences gives us an opportunity to focus on our similarities and differences, and also to learn important life’s lesson. The textbook states that through arts, music, literature etc., important me ssages can be conveyed about many different subjects such as war, poverty, death, and other human conditions. Humanities can convey important life messages as stated the book through music, arts, stories, songs and achievements;Read MoreThe Effects Of Music On The Music Industry1555 Words  | 7 Pagescensoring music on the radio and CDs is not a right thing as censorship can hide a meaning of the song. 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