Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay Music and Morality - 1472 Words
Music and Morality Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man, and make gentle the life of this world. This famous Robert Kennedy quote reminds us of how influential our predecessors were to us in many different facets, including music. Throughout history, we see how dearly important music and the morality of music were for many societies. As early as 400 B.C.E, during the time of philosophers like Socrates and Plato, music (although much different from what it is today) greatly influenced the mores of society. In the earliest times it was deemed inappropriate and unlawful for music to have an inhibitory affect on the mores of society. As history unfolds itself however, we†¦show more content†¦The thing that is particularly ironic about this part of the Socratic Dialogue is that there was a Daedalus statue (one made of wood) nearby the king-archons court where this conversation is happening. Daedalus statues, according to Greek my thology, have the ability to move themselves when something magical or beautiful happens (Plato 13). It was at this point in the dialogue that the Daedalus tree was moved with beauty, the beauty stemming from Socrates melodic responses to Euthyphros questioning. It was almost rather musical and rhyming; so musical that the wooden statue was moved. This is probably one of the earliest accounts of music and its dynamic impact on society; a wooden statue was moved emotionally and physically (as almost in dance) to the sound of Socrates melodic responses. The Greek term hosion means the knowledge of the proper ritual in prayer and sacrifice, and its performance (Plato 5). Socrates was ultimately accused of lack of hosion. He was under indictment by king Meletus for corrupting the youth of the city and not believing in the same gods whom the people of the city believed in. This indictment stemmed from Socrates constant search for an answer. No definition ever satisfied Socrates. And this constant search for a definition ultimately resulted in Socrates exile and death. His sometimes musical ways in his constant search for an answer were sometimes so moving, butShow MoreRelatedHumanities And Discuss The Role Of Role1468 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosophy, literature, religion, art and music. The knowledge of recording these human experiences gives us an opportunity to focus on our similarities and differences, and also to learn important life’s lesson. The textbook states that through arts, music, literature etc., important me ssages can be conveyed about many different subjects such as war, poverty, death, and other human conditions. Humanities can convey important life messages as stated the book through music, arts, stories, songs and achievements;Read MoreThe Effects Of Music On The Music Industry1555 Words  | 7 Pagescensoring music on the radio and CDs is not a right thing as censorship can hide a meaning of the song. 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